View Full Version : i feel like shit =[

10-11-10, 16:55
i went bk to work 2day and had to get up 5:30 but woke up at 3 and couldnt get bk to sleep so have been awake since then and i work on a building site tacking sealings so very physical and now i feel like absalote shit and feel sick, is this just from being really tired and iv been quite anxtous 2day and had really bad desecatization in the morning but genraly had a good day but now feel so exhausted =[ help?:weep:

10-11-10, 17:13
if ive had a trying day like you have had today then im always exhausted at the end of it, with all sorts of phyical symptoms too.
You were probably really tense all day and now you are letting yourself relax a bit your body feels crap.
It will get better, have an early night. well done on going back to work.

10-11-10, 17:15
cheers =] its dirt i feel scared to go to sleep :/

10-11-10, 17:33
Hi Shaggyowen. I went out to meet friends last night, which was the first time I've been out in the evening for well over a year. I was only out for 3 hours, which included travel time. Today I woke up feeling like I had run a marathon!
Anxiety makes us burn more energy, so you're bound to feel tired and ill after such a hard day!
Have a bath or shower to relax your muscles then get an early night. You'll feel like this for a few days until your body is used to hard work again :)

10-11-10, 17:43
thanks =]

10-11-10, 17:44
You need to focus on the good side too! You might feel like poop, but you did a whole day at work! That's a huge achievement! I wish I could do it :D

10-11-10, 17:57
yeh but dont want to go in 2moz lmfao :/ guess i have to though

10-11-10, 18:05
I think you're in the same boat as about 99% of the workforce. It does suck that we have to go and do these jobs each and every day just to survive. Is it not a job you enjoy?

10-11-10, 18:50
i do really enjoy it when im there and doing it i just cant ever be bother to get up im really not a morning person so geting up at 5-6ish is horrible and make my anxiety worse when im tired =[ but obvs if you do something that makes you anxtious ofter then youl get useto it wont you? well thats what iv always though.

10-11-10, 19:18
Well done for getting through the day :yesyes:

Sounds like quite a demanding job, and I bet most people would be feeling tired after a day’s hard graft having been off work. Then throwing in a poor night’s sleep, and the fact that anxiety in itself can be extremely tiring, it’s hardly surprising you feel knackered!

Take it easy this evening and you should be tired out enough to have a better sleep tonight. Tomorrow should be a bit easier.

Take care :)

10-11-10, 19:20
yeh thats what im hopeing, i think it will be for the better if i get up and go to work 2moz so i can sort my sleeping pattern out =]

10-11-10, 19:31
It should help to get back into a more normal sleep pattern. I’m struggling with that a bit at the moment cos I’m not working. It was OK when I had a friend staying, but now there’s only me it’s hard to keep to a routine.

When I’m stuck on something and want to sort it, or if I’m feeling fed up, it’s so easy to stay up for hours at the PC. Then it’s hard to get up early next morning, and the days slowly shift. At the moment I find I’m still wide awake at 1 or 2am, and often stay up even later. Then I don’t feel like getting up till at least midday.

I don’t like it though – especially now the days are getting shorter. Well, not the days, but you know what I mean! Plus I don’t work as well at night and don’t sleep as soundly during the day, so it’s the worst of both worlds :doh:

10-11-10, 19:36
yeh b4 last night i was going to sleep at anywhere from 4-9 am in the morning and sleeping till like 3-4 in the afternoon lol its not good i slip into it so easily as well :/