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View Full Version : Ear pain linked to anxiety?!

10-11-10, 16:59
Iv been having ear pain in my left ear on and off over the last couple of days.. my ears were blocked for the day on sunday, following sat night standing outside watching the firework display :D
So i just thought id got a chill because id also woken up sneezy... but i took some 'first defence' and that cleared up within the day, so no actual cold came out of it....

But iv still had twinges in my ear.... this morning driving to work, it blocked up again because i have to drive over the hills in Derbyshire and then it unblocked when id got to work... but the pain is still on an off.

Iv had ear infections in the past and no discharge is coming out of it, i havnt got pain inside the ear, its more down behind my ear and down my neck..... im just wondering if this could be linked to anxiety or if anyone thinks it sounds like an infection?

I do tense my jaw ALOT and suffer almost daily with jaw pains and tension headaches and iv heard that it can affect your ears too..... so i wasnt too sure! Dont want to make docs app unneccesarily (sp?)

I get anxious alot more when im ill because i fear being ill so im worrying incase iv got an ear infection starting because i cant cope with the dizziness iv felt before with an infection...... do all infections off-set your balance???

Just wondered what peoples views on this were :shrug: xx

11-11-10, 11:13
i think it could be as i also have this on and off but try to ignore it