View Full Version : Afternoon sleepiness

10-11-10, 18:26
I was sat at my desk this afternoon and had the overwhelming urge to sleep at about two o'clock. I could barely keep my eyes open. Then at about half three I was wide awake again. Of course when I googles about it it brought up leukaemia.

Does anyone else suffer with this and know whether it is serious? It has happened to me before in jobs I have done, not all the time. But thus is the first time recently.

10-11-10, 19:11
Hi dodo,

Stop Googling and stop worrying! :winks:

In parts or Europe is a recognised thing, and they call it a siesta.

The mind and body naturally go through cycles of feeling alert and wide awake, then feeling a little tried and in need of a little time out.

Food can also cause it too. I remember when I was working and took sandwiches for lunch, I often felt tired mid afternoon. Then I read something about white bread – sorry, don’t remember the specifics now. So tried wholemeal bread and didn’t notice it so much.

Take care :)

10-11-10, 19:14
being anxtious uses loads of energy and i always feel sleepy just put it down to restless nights in bed and anxiety it takes alot out of you and dont google thing cuz you always find things you dont wonna see how you you feel if you went to the doctors and told him this and that and then he swung around in his chair and stared googleing it, wouldnt you be rather worried lol so basicly dont google stuff and if you do i know i dstill do just dont belive everthing if you google if your leg hurts it will come up with the 'c' word at some point litraly everything iv google i think has had it in there somewhere and alot of google os forums so there just people oppinions so they dont even count just chill you fine.

10-11-10, 19:26
Citalopram made me sleep most afternoons. Maybe its your medication?

10-11-10, 19:32
I get this all of the time!! Like you an overwhelming urge to sleep and then after about an hour im ok again...... Oh what I would give to actually go to sleep when this happens:D

Don't google - its really not your friend



10-11-10, 19:46
Ty. I'm not on any medication though. I thought it may have something to do with blood sugar. I had a sandwich for dinner but it was grannery bread.

11-11-10, 09:19
Hi Dodo

I am a longterm power napper! I've done it for ages and ages, and funnily enough there was an item on TV a few days ago, where they tested powernapping against working without a break. The powernapping group performed far better and were much more alert after a nap.

Carbohydrates are very good at sending us to sleep; if I remember rightly it's something to do with the release of insulin into our systems, which slows us down temporarily. The thinking at the moment for people who need to stay alert during the day, is to eat protein-rich foods rather than carbohydrates.