View Full Version : Thickened Lining of Uterus - Help.

15-03-06, 18:32
I had an ultrasound about 2 months ago and they found a non-cancerous cyst and my lining of my uterus was thickened. They did a biospy of my uterus and it was negative. A repeat ultrasound was done on Monday and the cyst is shrinking, but my lining is still thick. My doctor said not to worry.

Has anyone else every had anything like this??

15-03-06, 18:33
what symptoms were or are u getting dont wory mate ul be cool trust ur doc xx

15-03-06, 22:11
[quote]what symptoms were or are u getting dont wory mate ul be cool trust ur doc xx

I was just having a bloated feeling and a lower back ache originally and then it went away. But, a day before I was due to have the second ultrasound - I stared feeling bloated again. Could this be anxiety??

Thanks for replying.

16-03-06, 20:23
sorry for asking but do you get probelm with your bowls to and lower stomac pain to..it just that i got soo much lower back pain and feel soo bloated to....

17-03-06, 19:31
Hi CrazyCool
I had the thickened uterus issue about 2 years or so ago
The ob/gyn picked it up and sent me for an ultrasound
He said for women that are postmenopausal the uterus shouldnt be that thick. He did say that he didnt think it was anything but wanted me to go for an ultrasound nonetheless.
Yipes! My mind starting revving up as it usually does with not great thoughts
So, I went for the ultrasound and voila the doc said all was fine
I asked him afterwards if the estrogen cream that post meanopusal women use internally could have made lining thicker and he said yes
Duh, so why didnt he tell me that beforehand
If the ob/gyn does the ultrasound and says all is ok then leave it like that
Have a great day
