View Full Version : Concerned - AGAIN (Warning: Woman problems)

10-11-10, 18:36

Was on here about 2 weeks ago with worries of ovarian cancer. I had a irregular bleed at the beginning of the year so they did an ultra sound and a transvaginal scan they showed a cyst but on returning for my followup the cyst had gone so no further treatment was needed. I have since been getting lower abdominal pain and bloody discharge between periods. I have been putting it off for about 3 months but finally returned to the doctor tonight. She did another swab said that my cervix looked red but nothing different from when she last examined me. She is sending me to a gynaecologist to assess further but my appointment is not until 23 Dec. I am worried that they are going to find cancer, really worried in fact!!!!! She did say that because I am so worried all the time of having cancer that once I have been to the gynaecologist she will refer me to a councillor for some help with my anxiety. But what do I do until then?????? Some reassurance was that she said that she had to clear everything medically before she would refer me to a councillor in case there is something actually wrong as the councillor would be reassuring that everything is ok and it was not. So I suppose she could just be sending me to this gynaecologist to double check and make sure she hasn't missed anything?!?!?!??! I am confused!!!!!:wacko:

10-11-10, 18:42
Hi jenny, i also have had some bleeding but only after sex (sorry) and my periods are lasting about 10 days. ive had swabs and dr has looked at my cervix but nothing!! I also am worried so i know how u feel if that helps. I have it for about 6 months now. xx

10-11-10, 20:36
Hi Jenny

I do so sympathise with you!! I had 3 years of weird bleeding after having my 3rd child. It started with mid cycle spotting and gradually progressed to periods that lasted 2 weeks at a time, PMT that seemed to last the whole month, pains and huge worry about all sorts of gynae cancers!!

Like you, I had scans, ultrasounds, smears, blood tests etc.. Eventually, my doctor tried me on the pill this time last year. The first pill I tried was a disaster and made everything 10 times worse but the second one begin to slowly regulate things. Nearly a year on and I have no irregular bleeding at all which indicates that it was a hormonal problem. I don't know how long I will stay on it as I am 38 now but it has helped a lot!!

I don't worry about ovarian, womb or cervical cancer any more!! I do worry about vulva cancer now (why do I always seem to go for the rare ones!!!) but that's a different story!!

The wait is hard I know but you are going to the right place. Thinking of you x

11-11-10, 10:07
Thank you guys. It does help knowing that you are not the only one out there that feels the way I do, feeling crazy all the time thinking/convincing myself I have cancer. It is my one true fear and sometimes it gets out of control. As I am writing this I have a pain in my side and straight away I am thinking I am going to go to this gynaecologist and he/she is going to tell me I have cancer. I really need help but at least it is on its way in one form or another. I took the step went to the doctor and asked so now they are ruling everything out medically before they can send me for counselling. xx

11-11-10, 10:20
hi jenny-lizzy

it sounds very much as if the doctor does not think it is anything serious like cancer and that is why she has suggested counselling because of your worries that it is; BUT - of course - she would not being her job properly unless it was checked out.

i have had awful stomach symptoms for 5 months - i insisted on an endoscopy to rule anything sinister out because i had convinced myself i had cancer - the endoscopy did show some redness/inflammation but nothing sinister and so yes - it sounds as if something is not quite right with your cycle etc but there could be 101 other reasons - hormones/irritation/slight infection etc.

the reason why your gp has suggested counselling is that she thinks your anxiety is out of proportion - remember - that they look for physical red flag warning signs and do not go on how you feel emotionally about symptoms - that just because we get ourselves in a complete state and start planning our funerals lol (i know i have done at times!) - this does not mean there is anything seriously wrong and so from the symptoms you are presenting/tests you have had done before - the doctor is not overly concerned.

my gp thinks i am just producing too much acid and so i think she was pretty flummoxed how i could be getting myself so upstairs about it but its easy to do when you are anxioux.

i am sure you will be fine.