View Full Version : Irregular Heartbeats

10-11-10, 19:14
Hi Everyone,

I am very glad to have found this forum. I thought I would share my story as I know many can relate. I have had irregular heartbeats for 10 years. It started when I was 23. I was at work on my way to break and I noticed that my heart was beating abnormally. It totally freaked me out. I somehow got to the ER where they ran tests and I was told that I was experiencing something normal and harmless, and that I should not let it worry me. However, these sensations progressed in the following weeks. I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn't go to work. I couldn't even leave the house. I was so terrified that I was going to have this awful sensation and that it meant my heart was diseased. It was hell. My Dr. perscribed Paxil and Clonazepam for my anxiety. Somehow I was able to claw my way back to life. During that time I had an Echocardiogram, ECGs, a Holter Monitor, an Event Monitor and lots of blood work. The verdict was that I had ectopic beats which are harmless and very common in the human population. In those 10 years I have had ups and downs with these ectopics. There have been times were I rarely get them or even think about them, but there were other times where they effected every part of my life. Somedays I couldn't go to work. I became afraid of social situations. And, of course, it effected my husband's life as well because at times I was a basketcase. He has been very patient. Now, as I write this, I have my ectopics worse than I have ever had them. They have been plaguing me since September. Again, I have been unable to go to work. These ectopics rule my whole life although I know they will not kill me. It still scares me deeply because they have never been this bad. Sometimes a get a few in an hour. Sometimes they wake me up. Other days I have had 1 sensation. I can find no pattern to them at all. My Dr. is doing tests to be sure everything is ok. I feel completely hopeless, frustrated and frightened. Why, when I've been told countless times that they are harmless, do they still terrify and control me. I have been told that anxiety is making them worse. I am anxious because I have irregular heartbeats so it's hard to calm about that! I am now taking Celexa and Clonazepam for my anxiety, and Atenolol, a beta blocker. I am going to start seeing a psychologist next week to help get a grasp on things, and I am going to see a hypnotherapist the week after to see if she can train my subconscious not to be fearful of these sensations. I am trying to be proactive so I am going to try what I can. Sorry this has been so long and rambling but I want to share with others that I know what the fear feels like. I'm in the trenches with you. Sometimes sharing can be a great weapon. Thanks for reading. Take care, Antonia.

10-11-10, 19:20
omg!! antonia!!! you are just like me, I have had them for 2 months constant!!! they are driving me mad!! private message me if you like xxxx My life is ruined, and im driving everyone nuts!!

10-11-10, 19:21
Hi Everyone,

I am very glad to have found this forum. I thought I would share my story as I know many can relate. I have had irregular heartbeats for 10 years. It started when I was 23. I was at work on my way to break and I noticed that my heart was beating abnormally. It totally freaked me out. I somehow got to the ER where they ran tests and I was told that I was experiencing something normal and harmless, and that I should not let it worry me. However, these sensations progressed in the following weeks. I was paralyzed with fear. I couldn't go to work. I couldn't even leave the house. I was so terrified that I was going to have this awful sensation and that it meant my heart was diseased. It was hell. My Dr. perscribed Paxil and Clonazepam for my anxiety. Somehow I was able to claw my way back to life. During that time I had an Echocardiogram, ECGs, a Holter Monitor, an Event Monitor and lots of blood work. The verdict was that I had ectopic beats which are harmless and very common in the human population. In those 10 years I have had ups and downs with these ectopics. There have been times were I rarely get them or even think about them, but there were other times where they effected every part of my life. Somedays I couldn't go to work. I became afraid of social situations. And, of course, it effected my husband's life as well because at times I was a basketcase. He has been very patient. Now, as I write this, I have my ectopics worse than I have ever had them. They have been plaguing me since September. Again, I have been unable to go to work. These ectopics rule my whole life although I know they will not kill me. It still scares me deeply because they have never been this bad. Sometimes a get a few in an hour. Sometimes they wake me up. Other days I have had 1 sensation. I can find no pattern to them at all. My Dr. is doing tests to be sure everything is ok. I feel completely hopeless, frustrated and frightened. Why, when I've been told countless times that they are harmless, do they still terrify and control me. I have been told that anxiety is making them worse. I am anxious because I have irregular heartbeats so it's hard to calm about that! I am now taking Celexa and Clonazepam for my anxiety, and Atenolol, a beta blocker. I am going to start seeing a psychologist next week to help get a grasp on things, and I am going to see a hypnotherapist the week after to see if she can train my subconscious not to be fearful of these sensations. I am trying to be proactive so I am going to try what I can. Sorry this has been so long and rambling but I want to share with others that I know what the fear feels like. I'm in the trenches with you. Sometimes sharing can be a great weapon. Thanks for reading. Take care, Antonia.

Antonia i can Hugely sympathise, i have had these constantly like every 6 beats, or 2 months. drs say dont worry. im so scared, and my life is ruined xxx private message me if you like xxx:yahoo:

10-11-10, 19:31
With many here having the same experiences with heart 'dances' as I like to call them. :-) I hope you find much help from the many kind people on this site.

10-11-10, 19:41
I appreciate your responses very much. Refering to them as "Heart Dances" is nice. It's a less scary description. I need to start thinking of them differently.

10-11-10, 19:42
I have these constantly x

10-11-10, 19:52
ive had then for the last 3 months aswell, very scarey hun. xx

10-11-10, 19:57
For anyone who has Facebook, I have found this group to be helpful too..."Heart palpitations/ectopic beats help group".

07-12-10, 20:41
Hey Antonia

Did you go and see a hypnotherapist? if so did it help you,I was thinking of doing the same thing for my ectopics.

07-12-10, 21:01
Hi there, I actually did go to a hypnotherapist a couple of weeks ago. It was a positive experince. Most of the time was spent talking about ways to deal with anxiety and my medical history etc. The actual hypno part was 20 minutes. It was very relaxing. You are always aware of what's going on. You are always in control. She made me a relaxation tape that I need to listen to daily for a month. It basically reinforces the hypno session. She says things like "you know your heart is strong", "your palps are harmless". The last 2 weeks I have been doing a lot better. However, the last 48 hrs I have been having a lot of palps and I am feeling very anxious. So did hypno work?...I guess I can't judge until the month is up. Some people need more than one session. I can't afford that as hypnotherapy is not covered by my medical plan. I say, try it out...Do your homework and find someone great. I figured I want to be proactive and get a grip on these darn palpitations! Good luck to you and take care. Antonia.

07-12-10, 22:43
That sounds very positive.

Your story is very much like mine though. Being fearful if social situations is now taking over my life and I have had to be signed off work to try and get a grip if myself, but I'm fearful that I will never sort my fears out.

08-12-10, 14:56
Hi Antonia

Thanks for the reply, Ive got a appointment with a cardiolagist on friday and if he tells me my hearts fine I will look into seeing a hypnotherapist and will let you know how it goes for me...

sarah jayne
08-12-10, 15:01
ive had them for the past couple of years on and off whenever i mention them to my doctor he doesnt seem interested at all ive never had them checked out or anything the thing that worries me most about them is when they just 'appear' with no warning at all :( i think its just another unforturnate symptom of anxiety ;(

08-12-10, 18:23
It always perplexes me when they show up and get really bad when I don't feel like I have done anything differently in my life than usual. They are so frustrating and terrifying. I wouldn't wish it on anyone.