View Full Version : Blood test

10-11-10, 20:40
Has anyone ever bought a blood test online? I am convinced i have an underactive thyroid but my doc wont test again because I was tested in january this year. My son has just turned one and for the last 3 weeks i have had chronic constipation but prior to this i have had my hair falling out, heavy periods, fatigue and a few other symptoms. Just wondering if i could trust on online blood test or how to find a private clinic to do it. I would like another baby and i know being pregnant with a thyroid issue is dangerous

10-11-10, 21:24
How much hair? I lost hair after giving birth. :)

Don't know anything about online tests. I don't think I would do that...I think that would feed the anxiety even more.

10-11-10, 22:46
I lost hair too after giving birth. I started then on the contraceptive pill and my hair was coming out in clumps. when I stopes taking my hair stopped falling out so much! If your thyroid was ok in jan it would be unlikely it would have gone haywire. How about discussing your concerns again with your dr or perhaps seeing a different one if you're concerned?