View Full Version : feel a panic attack comeing on =[

10-11-10, 20:54
i have a fluttery hear/chest im really tired and havent had much sleep so puting it down to that.. i dont want my heart to just stop then i die =[ :sad: i feel really sceard iv drank alot more tea than useawel 2day i normaly have 1 cup but 2daqy as iv had work iv drank 4 or 5 i think will that contribute to this? help

10-11-10, 21:43
I also get that fluttery feeling when I'm tired as especially if I've had too many cups of tea that day. Sometimes also after a meal if I haven't eaten much all day.

Please be reassured that you are okay so that you don't think yourself into a full blown panic Shaggy. I sometimes find it helps to distract myself by getting involved in something to take my mind off myself for a while. It WILL pass and I expect you will be fine.

Very best wishes .

10-11-10, 22:04
thanks every1 i went a picked my gf up from work and feel much better now thanks for the support guys =] :yesyes:

10-11-10, 22:10
Good to hear you were able to divert yourself!