View Full Version : panic attack/palps

10-11-10, 21:15
hi everybody,

Was at work today when suddenly my heart started to beat really hard and fast 165/110 pulse was 178 i checked it after i had driven home i only work around the corner to my house as a cleaner but had to leave brooms mops and buckets of water where they were as not only was my heart beating fast and really hard it felt like it was fluttering too my chest felt tight and could hardly breath i was soooo scared. I also felt light headed and was really sweating i thought this it it i am going to die. I have had this before on two occasions the last time i had it was 2 years ago. Still have suffered with eptopics and missed beats though but not one of these full blown panics. I took one of my diazapans when i got home. I now feel much better and bp 126/82 pulse 75 now but i feel absolutely drained and tired and think i might get the sack for just leaving everything!!!!!! has anybody else felt this rough with a full blown panic attack like this. I did not got to the doctor this time as he said when i get it like that again to take my tablets which i have. I feel as though im back to square one again now i have had this too scared to go out to scared to move too scared to go to the loo incase it sets it off again. I have been stressed the last couple of weeks about various things so i can see that it is a build up of stress and worry again. Sorry to go on and on just need some reassurance.



10-11-10, 23:22

anybody had something similar??????


paula lynne
10-11-10, 23:31
Hi Lorraine, it happened to me in the middle of a shift when I was nursing in coventry. First things first. You had a panic attack . Yes, your bp was elevated, and your pulse, that is normal for panic. Your pulse was up to, but your heart can go comfortably for several hours at 200bpm! Ok, you ran away, and now all readings are ok.
1. do you have a bp monitor?? If you do, get rid of it. It will do you more harm than good if you keep checking. Your bp and pulse will automatically go up BECAUSE you are checking, not just cos of panic.
2. You got THROUGH IT! it didnt hurt you, and I can assure you it has damaged you in no way.
3. Go back to work as soon as possible, and FORGET IT EVER HAPPENED. association of panic at the work place leads to avoidance, dont let it win.

You got through it, it wasnt pleasant but you did it, YOU ARE STRONGER than you think. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

10-11-10, 23:44
hi paula

thanks for your reply. Will go back to work tomorrow. My chest still feels a bit tight and uncomfortable but feel soooo much better.


paula lynne
10-11-10, 23:54
Brilliant, glad you are better x

11-11-10, 01:09
Hi lorraine

I agree with everything paula has just said.

Of course you feel drained and tired many people do after a panic attack

I have been having high levels of anxiety for weeks so I'm constantly drained.

Paulas right you are stronger than you think xxxx glad your feeling a little better xxxx