View Full Version : Short of breath

10-11-10, 22:41
For a couple of days now I have been suffering with a very tight chest and shortness of breath. I am starting to worry myself about it. When I went to the dr she said it was nothing to do with my heart but didn't check me over. Can tension alone cause shortness of breath and wheezing of should I be concerned?

paula lynne
10-11-10, 22:46
Hiya, yes stress and anxiety can lead to hyperventilating, even if we dont think we do it, we actually do. Do you have a cold/cough at the moment?

10-11-10, 22:50
No I don't have a cough or cold. It's like asthma wheezing and tight chestedness. I'm petrified it's my heart. It's across the top of my chest above my breasts.

paula lynne
10-11-10, 22:56
Do you have asmtha then? if so, take your ventolin. x
If you dont have asmtha, then its probably tension due to being stressed.
Try steaming, put boiling water in a bowl, and cover your head with a towel. Breath normally. Try to stay there for 4 mins. You can take a break for a few secs in between if you find it too hot.
Dont know if this helps, Ive got it right now, left side of chest, going up into my neck. I know its muscle tension, as i was paniking earlier x

10-11-10, 23:00
yes tension, stress and anxiety can definitely cause shortness of breath... it's one of my main symptons with heightened anxiety.. I generally find that if I'm busy and my mind is occupied it really eases up, if I suddenly think oh it's gone that can be enough for me to start it off again.....

11-11-10, 09:21
Can also identify with this. When I'm really stressed, I become more aware of my breathing and for me, it more the fear of getting out of breath, rather than it actually happening.

11-11-10, 21:04
I haven't had asthma for many years and don't know why it would have started if that is indeed what it is. But it is really worrying me now. I've had it for a few days now. Worried I have angina or something.