View Full Version : How do you know youve beaten agoraphobia?

paula lynne
11-11-10, 00:35
I guess its sounds obvious....you can go out!
But its not as simple as that with panic and anxiety...
Ive been agoraphobic for 10 years, it surfaced about 6 months after my first panic attack

Well, Im getting anxiety mostly, but still managing to go out, about 3 times a week now!
Swimming on sundays, go to asda once a week...Ok the vertigo and palps are there, but IM OUT!

What I mean is, its the thought of panic, not actually going out now that worrys me.

I havent had a panic outside for over 6 monthes...Is this recovery??
I would love to hear anyones experiences of beating agoraphobia, and do you still get panicky etc?

When can I officially say I USED TO BE AN AGORAPHOBIC?

Really could use some help with this one guys, cheers x:yesyes:

11-11-10, 00:39
Paula hon - you are doing fantastic - I am nearly going down the agro route at the moment -but fighting it - so what you have done having been there deserves huge respect hon tc and loads of :bighug1:

paula lynne
11-11-10, 00:47
Thannks Missy x
Keep fighting, lifes too short to be stuck inside four walls for years! Ive waisted too much time, this site gave me a kick up the a**.
The day I decided my sanctuary had turned into my prison, was the day I decided I needed to act, I simply refused to let it control me anymore.

Its still scary, but no panic attacks! Just anx symptoms, dizzy etc, usual suspects! haha
I really need to know WHEN I can say Im over it though.......Thanks for your post x

11-11-10, 00:52
I agree hon this site has been a godsend to me - I dont post often except on the humour threads - not too good with words - but will say again what a fab woman and u go girl :yahoo:

11-11-10, 08:57
When can I officially say I USED TO BE AN AGORAPHOBIC?

I think you can say it now.
What you need to try and do now is to not fear one happening. I think this is what keeps us in the state of anxiety, always wondering if it going to happen.
I dont have panic attacks any more but the fear is still there. What works for me....somedays it works better than others....is if i feel a panic comming on i try and relax, i know it sounds an obvious thing to do but if you can do it it works. I drop my shoulders and i make sure i breath out fully rather than taking in too much air. But the thing that helps me the most is when i say to myself that i dont care about it happening, if i faint someone will have to pick me up.
So by doing this i never end up having a full blown panic but im still working on stopping the anxiety in the first place.

Asda and swimming sounds a bit scary to me so well done you:yesyes:

paula lynne
11-11-10, 09:50
Thanks Baileys!
So you think Im no longer agoraphobic?! I just suffer with panic and anxiety then....Im better then? Can it be true!!
Take today for example, theres a storm outside, and I was supposed to be going to town with my sister, shes cancelled. Im actually disappointed Im stuck at home!
I may donn my wellies and go for a walk down the hill just for the hell of it later!.....
Now if the dizzyness would just bugger off, Id be great, and put up with the palps....
Theres still hope I guess xxxx

11-11-10, 10:23
Yep you can now join the anxiety, panic club, its better than agoraphobia but its still crap.

Dizziness is my worst, most persistant symptom, the only time i dont
have it is when im totally engrossed in some activity.
Im popping out soon so at the moment i feel extra dizzy, tired and i can feel my body buzzing but i will probably be ok once i get going, not that im worried about where im going but the anxiety wont budge.

Going for a walk sounds great, it gets you out the house, if we dont hear from you again we know youve got blown away.....bloody windy here too.

paula lynne
11-11-10, 10:31
Great! Im throwing away my agoraphobia badge today!
I agree, the dizzy is the WORST, I get it everyday to some degree, and without fail, much worse before a period. Oh well, it wont kill me, got to accept it and carry on!

KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON ....Im going to look for a sign with that on, it was from the war effort I think...............Have a good day yourself Baileys, thank you x

11-11-10, 10:35
Paula, you have done amazingly well! If you no longer fear going out then I think you are no longer agoraphobic. As for fearing PAs - well I haven't had one for about a year now but still worry about getting them. I think it takes an awful long time to get past that but I think the only thing to do is keep going out until it does eventually fade, and to keep reminding yourself that you haven't had one in ages, so there why should you have one now?

It's so wonderful that you are actually disappointed about not going out with your sister today :hugs:

11-11-10, 10:38
Bit late with my last post, I think. Just to add though, I have developed a sort of mantra when I feel shaky or dizzy while out these days. I say to myself "In through the nose and out through the mouth" breathe like that, and can instantly feel myself relax x

paula lynne
11-11-10, 10:44
Thank you Jane x :hugs:

paula lynne
11-11-10, 10:46
Right, Im off down the hill for a walk, DESPITE feeling dizzy. Its a 20 min walk, Im going for the paper. I could read it online...but Im not choosing the easy option anymore.....see you later gang x aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

margaret jones
11-11-10, 12:23
Paula Hi you sound just like me I still have panic / anxiety but my Agrophobia is loads better but do I still suffer from Agrophobia ??? i try not to analise it to much and just go with the flow and today like you I am waiting to go out this Pm little anxious with the what ifs but i will go ,and so what is my mantra .

So back to your Question Are you suffering from Agrophobia or not ???
No today you are not , so thats good enough to call your self not suffering from Agrophobia :D and tomorrow is another day .

Can I just say you are a inspiration with all the good advice you give fellow suffers, so go girl you are truly wonderfull cxxxx

paula lynne
11-11-10, 12:56
ooohhh nooo mags, you'll have me in tears in a minute, thank you, you are very kind to say that.x
Well, I made it to the shop and back, very windy, and raining. Dizzy was actually worse back in the house, (my bp was up after that hill climb I expect)
Im having a cooking sesh now, and playing some old cds to distract.....

Margaret, you are right. Dont over-analize. I will try not too...just want someone to say...yes its over....Im sure there must be people here whove done it and know what Im on about! hahaha...you are doing VERY well too mags arent you...absolutely fab.x
Well, Ive got a funny throb in my neck now, feels muscular though. Maybe it was carrying 2 heavy bags up the hill, plus my 40DDs.....phew.....

Thank you all whove replied. x It means a lot to me. x
That Nic deserves a medal, shes near enough saved me from myself......why isnt this government funded?? The womans a bloody saint isnt she....thank you all xxx
Back to my 80s cds, as you know, music is my thing...so see you all later. Any probs with anyone, PM me. Except if you are actually having a panic attack..please post on the forum, or go into chat.
Thanks guys, my life is changing in so many ways, and I never realised its all from the mind.........youre all saving me a little everyday. Love you all x

11-11-10, 13:55
:hugs: aww it's so lovely to hear you are doing so well Paula !!! Well done you !!

I am so happy for you xxxx

paula lynne
11-11-10, 13:57
Thank you sugar plums, thats lovely x
Its hard, but Im not sitting in this bloomin chair anymore...frightening...but...no more! x

11-11-10, 15:09
I find this question quite difficult to answer, my agora came two and a half years ago and hit me hard and fast, i couldn't go in any shop on my own let alone a supermarket.

Then it came when i was in work, i had to ride through them panic attacks sobbing.

Now............... i can go anywhere at all as long as someone is with me, i've been to massive extremely busy racecourses, been on trains, been on holidays, you name it i've done it.

Some days i can walk places on my own and sometimes i can't.

So i haven't beaten agora...............yet! but each day, week, month that goes by i can do more and more and panic less and less.

I suppose it depends on how strong minded i am feeling and how much i'm prepared to accept the panic on that particular day.

HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN I HAVE BEATEN AGORA...............when i just get up and go out without worrying about panic.

You have made massive achievements Paula, and you are so much stronger since you have faced agora head on, its a case of inviting the panic and tell it to come do its worst because quite frankly, we're fed up of fearing it and fed up of sitting within four walls.

A best friend once said to me when agora first hit me, she said.

"You are too special to be shut away, the world is a much better place with you out and about in it"

So onwards and upwards :D

paula lynne
11-11-10, 15:20
Thank you Di, wise words indeed.
So, Im better when I go out without worrying, or relying on someone with me....I guess Im nearly there, but not quite. Not far to go now though.
So invite the panic.....I will try that, its almost like you say....come on! do your worst!
So its about lack of fear of panic, NOT the actual going out bit....Thank you so much for sharing your experiences Di, it all helps. Much love, P x

11-11-10, 15:33

Have you listened to any of the Dr Claire Weeks mp3 recordings.

They are fantastic, on one of them she says, pick a point, say like to the top of the road and walk it, do not hesitate and do not run back to the house, pick a point and stick to it and even if mr panicky poops comes, tell him to bring it on. (she doesn't call him mr panicky poops lol, just me!).

Her words have gotten me through some real states of panic and have helped me massively.

The way she describes agora is unbelievable especially as she said it all many many years ago, long before i knew what a panic attack was.

She also says to do this walk every day until one day you will just do it without any fear at all.

di x

paula lynne
11-11-10, 15:52
I havent heared it Di , to my shame. I do bang on about her books a lot though...I will try it. x Thank you x Although, is there anything I can download, or listen to on the net, as cant afford to but them. Cheers x or if anyone has them and can send me a copy...Id be VERY VERY grateful? thanks x

11-11-10, 17:36
Hi Paula,

How long is a piece of string :winks:

I hate labels. I don’t think you can ever say you ‘used to be agoraphobic’ simply because I don’t think you ever were in the first place. The professionals love sticking labels on people, and some people like sticking them on themselves, but they can be very debilitating.

When a person starts to think, “I’m an agoraphobic,” it begins to define who they are. It’s like something afflicted upon them that they have no power over. It almost becomes their identity. Their subconscious mind picks up on all this, “I’m an agoraphobic,” thinking and is working away behind the scenes trying to reinforce that idea – because it’s becoming the person’s identity. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What was really happening was that your mind had gotten a little off track, that’s all. It was seeing danger everywhere outside and was doing what it always does – keeping you safe by keeping you away from that ‘perceived’ danger. All that was needed was a little re-education – teaching your mind that outside wasn’t really a place filled with danger after all. Once it knows that, it no longer needs to protect you from it.

Looking at it like that, it’s quite possible that a future situation could be perceived – rightly or wrongly – as dangerous, and compel us to avoid it again. The trick is to quickly consciously evaluate the situation to determine whether it is in fact truly dangerous. Don’t take your mind’s word for it. It’s like a quick early warning system, and as such there are bound to be many false alarms.

Well done for all your wonderful achievements and positive progress :hugs:

I like the bee :)

margaret jones
11-11-10, 17:41
Paula a girl after my own heart 40 DD heavy loads to carry :blush:

Hazel B
11-11-10, 18:02

I can't offer advice on agoraphobia, but would like to say that you're an inspiration. You've also been an amazing support to people here, even though you've had some awful times yourself lately.

Well done on all your achievements, don't stop fighting.


11-11-10, 20:03
Good question Paula and one to which Nigels "how long is a piece of string" is a very good answer.

I think it's about our own perception of ourselves really. I have done quite a few things this year (hell, loads!) which I could not even have contemplated a year ago but there are still "places" which concern me a bit.

I say that I don't have Agoraphobia anymore, I don't use the word recover because for me recovery is synonymous with having an illness and I don't think anxiety is an illness.

My Agoraphobia stopped me from feeling safe a few yards from my own front door, stopped me from walking ten minutes to the shops, made me feel terrified in shops, queues..the list was endless.

These things represented normality for me and now that I can do them without fear, I feel I am doing fine. Hence, I don;t feel I'm agoraphobia anymore.

I'm positive there are things that would still send me into PA mode but that's life..it is a relearning experience and I'm happy to accept that.

I must be honest and say that I was quite happy with the label of agoraphobic! I had put up with this nameless "thing" for so many years that it was a complete relief when I typed in symptoms on Lord Google and found this site and all the information that it gives.

I have found the label useful in the past, it helped me to explain to others why I struggled with certain things.

Rather than trying to explain to a nonplussed person that I can walk on this section of the pavement and not that one, can't stand next to a tallish building because I think I'm going to fall into the sky, can't walk over a bridge because I know with absolute certainty that somehow the world will tip on it's axis and I will be launched into the river..well, it's a hell of a lot easier to say, "sorry, I can't manage that, I'm agoraphobic".

If you feel that you can generally go out and about without too much fear then that sounds pretty good to me Paula. :hugs:

paula lynne
12-11-10, 10:05
Thank you Nigel, thank you ladybird. Both posts have given me lots of food for thought xxxx

12-11-10, 13:28
Hi Paula Lynne, as someone who suffered many years ago from agarophobia and recovered, I think you can safely say that you are cured when you can go out and not even IMAGINE how such a simple thing could scare you. Unfortunately, I've relapsed and lost that ability. I often wonder how much of this is hormonal.. if only we knew the answers to what brings it on x

paula lynne
12-11-10, 13:34
Hi Tish, thanks for your post. If youve recovered before, so you can again?! I too suffer hormonally, and admit I do avoid going out the week before my period, the dizzy is just to horrendous to bear outside. I guess we should keep trying on days when we feel like we can.

Dont give up on wellness, we may never know the answers, but that shouldnt stop us from believing we can get through it. I wish you lots of love and hope you can beat this thing once again x:hugs:

12-11-10, 13:39
Thank you, I hope you continue to feel well and can eventually put it all behind you. I went many years without any symptoms so it can be done! x