View Full Version : How can I tear myself away from research and forums etc[not this one health ones]

11-11-10, 02:49
Okay I have really bad HEALTH ANXIETY and OCD they both interlock so while im researching my health anxitey My ocd links in thinking I want it to happen then I think Im crazy!

Okay so for this month I've been highly obbsessed on PREGNANCY sit on yahoo answers all day posting questions asking people do I sound like I am etc then my OCD comes in saying your only having sex to get pregnant then I feel crazy!

Anyway I want to know how really to stop I've tried so many times but would like tips? Because It's awful everytime I do it I dont really see it as research I see it as looking it or justquestioning but really im adding to the strength of it.It's awful!

11-11-10, 06:32
hi katie, your not alone i too have severe health anxiety and ocd, I am 30. And fear i am going mad. I have been obsessing over heart palps, skipped beats that are there all the time. I cant help but google, gooogle google. I have been to see my dr and he says stop worrying, if you had a heart problem, you would have other symptoms. But i cant stop worrying, thats where the mental problem comes in. I have been like this for 4 years, every xmas has been ruined as fear that i have had cancer or somesort. It too is ruining my life, affecting my kids, my fiance, and my job. I am not interested in ANYTHING apart from these palps. I am in constant fear. Awaking at silly hours in the morning worrying, panicking that something is wrong. I have a lovely house, money in the bank. lovely kids and a close family, and too a lovely understanding dr. WHY ME??? i dont know. I look at all my friends, wishing i was like them and wasnt always worrying about illness, im only 30!! what will happen as i get old. babe your NOT alone xxxx smile babe :)

11-11-10, 07:33
I find that if I force myself out...... don't always fancy it when its cold lol.... and go for some really hard exercise.... in my case I do about an hour flat out on a bicycle. I always feel better and it convinces me that there really is nothing wrong with me..... other than slightly round the bend lol!

11-11-10, 09:14
I agree with Geoff, definitely. In the end, you just have to make yourself do "something else" - exercise is always a good one, or anything that means you have to concentrate on it, whether it's puzzles, or a computer game, or making something.