View Full Version : Arghhhhh!

purple to black
11-11-10, 08:43
I've a home medical assessment today for my ESA benefit and to say im terrified is an understatement :weep: i was supposed to go to my local job centre for it, i tried and just couldnt go in so my GP wrote to them requesting a home visit - so todays the day, i just dont know what to expect, anyone ever had one of these? What if they dont believe me or dont think im bad and say im fit to work when i know im not :(

Anyhoo, hope everyone is or does have a good day :)


11-11-10, 09:23
Hi, could I ask how long you have been off work. Ive been having time off had 3 weeks off when I started on sertraline and basically have had no support from my employer and have been threatend with the phrase if you have anymore time off you will be sacked! Its like they dont believe that I am really suffering.

Sammylou x

purple to black
11-11-10, 09:31
Hey, Sammy,

I got sacked from my job almost 18 months ago for being off too long, my Dr was furious and it was the one thing i was working hard on to get back too and it really set me back and created a whole host of other issues for me - so ive not been working since then, i cant go out on my own anymore or stay in on my own either lol, so im trying to deal with that which seems to be my biggest problem at the moment. I have a fear of meds too which is pretty damn annoying as i would love to be able to take my Cit to see if it would have any benefit for me....ah well onwards and upwards eh!

How long have you worked where you are? Most employers dont really understand, which is quite sad really, i would get some advice from the CAB if i were you :)

Deb x

11-11-10, 10:08
I have been there for 2 years but my anxiety only started 5 months ago, it started as a result of alot of personal problems which are now all sorted but im still suffering. My boss says to me how come your suffering now if all your problems occurred in June, my response was because thats what anxiety does to you and because you dont have it you dont understand how ill it makes you feel.

Sammy x

paula lynne
11-11-10, 10:13
Hi purple to black
You will have to answer questions, which takes the longest time, about (20 mins), but dont worry about that, just tell it like it is and how it affects your quality of life.
Not sure if the checklist is the same in Scotland, but I had
Bp check
He listened to my heart
Asked me to read letters from a board
Bend over, touch my toes, turn my head from side to side...this took 5 mins.
You are not on trial here ok, just do it, it will soon be over, let us know how you get on x P

purple to black
11-11-10, 10:21
I can cope with the questions but not any kind of medical procedure, so he will be receiving a swift kick if he comes near lol...

Thanks for the replies, ill let you know how it goes!!

Deb x

paula lynne
11-11-10, 10:34
Ps, deb, my doctor was male, and the female receptionist had to be present for the physical...something for you to bear in mind ok x good luck x

purple to black
11-11-10, 10:43
This is a home visit, Paula, i couldnt make it to the other one because of my anxiety, but im still scared lol x

Thanks for the good luck :)

Deb x

purple to black
11-11-10, 22:51
I survived :) it wasnt anywhere near as bad as i anticipated - which is usually the case for me lol...

Thanks guys!

Deb x

11-11-10, 23:14
I survived :) it wasnt anywhere near as bad as i anticipated - which is usually the case for me lol...

And for a lot of us Deb - glad you didn't find it too bad x

purple to black
11-11-10, 23:16
Thanks Jane x