View Full Version : time flying by!

cornwall dan
11-11-10, 13:24
Now and again when im having a good day the thought"What happened to the day,weekand year" pops up in my head,i think it must be the meds dulling my perception of time because since i started meds 6 years ago time has just flown by.It seems like yesterday that i was saying to my self that after xmas il slowly start gearing up back to work and life but after 5 years that still hasn't happened for me.
Its a very strange feeling that one min im getting out of bed and the next its almost time to go back! Ive had a lot of set backs and changes of meds,even CBT but im still in the circle.I know il get better eventually but it seems that with time flying by i will be an older gentleman before i know it!!!
Just thought id mention what i was thinking to all you fellow soldiers in this time of Anxiety War:shrug:

11-11-10, 17:12
Hi Cornwall Dan,

It’s called growing old :winks:
I find time seems to fly by now.

I notice it more when I don’t do a lot, well a lot of different things. Back in the summer I went on holiday with Sister and her kids, and they ensured that the days were filled with doing lots of different things. While the week was soon over, it seemed longer than my usual weeks.

Those I tend to spend sat in front of the PC, often with very little to show for it. Each day is the same, and they sort of ‘merge’. A week flies by in an instant, perhaps because I have very little to look back and reflect on.

Reminds me of the one:
How do you make time fly?
Hurl your alarm clock across the room!
Take care :)

11-11-10, 19:37
Those I tend to spend sat in front of the PC, often with very little to show for it. Each day is the same, and they sort of ‘merge’. A week flies by in an instant, perhaps because I have very little to look back and reflect on.

That's totally me..I feel time is zipping by and it really depresses me..all I do is sit on the PC all day in fear of my anxiety too. I'm too scared to go out and be active incase there's something wrong with me. :blush:

12-11-10, 13:01
I can totally relate to what you are both saying. Time doesn't seem to have the same meaning it used to. Days seem short and the weeks and months not much longer. Perception is a strange thing, I have sometimes wondered whether it is a thing of accepting how we are, and that effects how we 'see time' - I dunno, maybe I'm just talking a lot of rubbish! I seem to do that a lot!

Rach J
12-11-10, 15:40
I find that time goes quicker this time of year. As soon as we hit September, Christmas comes round before we know it!