View Full Version : Needing some reassurance!!

11-11-10, 17:13
Just got back from private therapy talked about alot of things from when I was at school. I'm feeling little low and my mum said to me when She was at doctors he said to my mum don't know what is wrong with ur Hayley I know it's anxiety but where's it all come from again. Does anyone else suffer long term anxiety and go through stages of being well and than the anxiety and depression hit again. I'm so mad at my doctor who is he to discuss me :-( sorry just needed to offload x

11-11-10, 17:24
Yes, I first got ill when I was 19. I recovered and led a normal life for a few years. Then because I changed to a job that was soul destroying I ended up having a major relapse and back to square one. I then got better and was leading a normal life and it happened again! Each time mine has reappeared it's because of a major life event. Job change, moving house, getting married, moving house again.
So yes it can come and go. :)