View Full Version : Anxious about cars

11-11-10, 18:53
Hi All

I know this is a while off but I find cars very hard..........

I worry something will happen and be in a crash or we will hit something ie an animal. I have alsways been like this and never been far until this year when I went to Helens in Feb. But its not the same. Motorways are hard. I will do anyhting to not go in a car. :lac:


As some people know, I'm a trustee to an orphanage in South Africa who are HIV positive and been abused. These are from a few months old to 14 years. 84 of them in a tiny place.

Stephan was the one that set it up and spent loads on funding it to get it up to as it is now.

Basically, Me being me, I have somewho put my name down to do 840 miles there and 840 miles back. - Lands end to John o Groats. We are going to see how long it will take. And hopefully raise funds. We will be leaveing on the 11th december.

I just wondering if people have a few ideas how I can manage in the car. There will be 3-4 of us. Stephan knows I have anx etc but if hes driving I cant be with him as He knows Im a mess in cars. :scared15:

NIkk xxxxxxx

Vanilla Sky
11-11-10, 21:38
You have to be ok Nikk coz when u passing u have to come and see meeeeeeeeeeeee lol . You will do it hun the anticipation is always the worst bit
Paige xxxx