View Full Version : Burning face,

11-11-10, 19:48
I keep getting really burning hot cheeks and face for no reason.

Right now im in bed with the windows open and a fan on my face because although its freezing outside, my face is bright red and burning.
i took my temp with a tape thermometre and My forehead said 36, but when i put it on my cheek it said 102. im freaking out now.

i dont have any other symptoms apart from feelin faint with the heat

i'm on my own and im scared

11-11-10, 19:50
Hello, i also get this and have done for as long as i can remember, even my son gets this. Not sure what it is but its never harmed us hunny. You will be fine, dont panic as you know that will make it seem 10 times worse. xxx

11-11-10, 19:58
thank you. ive just checked my temp again, forehead temp isnt even showing up which means its below34c which isnt good but must have cooled down so ive shut windows.
my cheek temp is showing as about 38c/100F. Still feeling burning hot.
i have a bit of a headache now.

trying to calm down as that makes me hot too.

11-11-10, 20:04
Exhusting this anx bussiness hun,lol. It will go soon xx

12-11-10, 14:07
I've just had a call back from the doctor, he's arranging a bloodtest to have my tyhroid level rechecked, i have underactive thyroid and he thinks it maybe that my dosage is too high.