View Full Version : Does anyone else irrationally think that they are the only one with anxiety issues?

11-11-10, 20:23
I know from coming onto these boards that it isn't true and irrational but when I get anxious or low I start thinking I am a freak and look at others around me (at work and so on) and think they are all 'normal' apart from me which makes me more depressed about it. I make myself feel guilty about not being 'normal' too.

Does anyone else feel this way at times? I have to constantly remind myself I am not abnormal:wacko:

I also find it so hard when society wants to pretend mental health problems are not real and pretend it isn't happening as well this only adds to my view of myself

11-11-10, 23:02
Yes, I do often think that, I think its part of the condition , feeling that you are alone and isolated and that noone understands how you feel xxx

11-11-10, 23:30
yes definitely! but then try and think well 1/4 people have MH issues and that's the only ones that get reported even! so look arond your office/friends/family....1 in 4! and this could be when they are 20, 30 ,40, 70 whatever! so you are not alone in this...but i agree it feels like u r the only one who really knows how u feel etc...