View Full Version : Hi!

11-11-10, 21:58
Hi all! I'm Sam, am 21, am new to all this anxiety stuff, have had it for around two months now, getting panic/anxiety attacks mainly due to constant worrying about my health!

Good to be here though, so nice to find a place where I can empathise and learn from others. Makes a nice change from the dreaded Dr. Google!


11-11-10, 21:59
Hi Sam201010

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-11-10, 22:02
Hi all! I'm Sam, am 21, am new to all this anxiety stuff, have had it for around two months now, getting panic/anxiety attacks mainly due to constant worrying about my health!

Good to be here though, so nice to find a place where I can empathise and learn from others. Makes a nice change from the dreaded Dr. Google!


Hi sam, welcome to nmp. i suffer from anxiety too, im 23 and have suffered from it for about 3 months now. felt like i was starting to suffer from depression as well due to a bad break up. went to my doctors a couple of weeks ago and he has put me on meds, going ok so far, just want the anxiety to go away! this site is great, met some really nice people and have really helped me, its good to talk to people who are going through simalar problems. hope you find it helpful here xx :)

11-11-10, 22:08
ah thanks guys! yeah I have been to see my doc, was given atenolol to stop the heart palps, but doesn't seem to be doing a lot for me! Am not the kind of person who takes too well to taking meds so am slightly weary of them but who knows where this road will lead me next!

Just seem to be stuck in the horrible circle of getting symptoms, worrying about them...getting worse symptoms...garrrr!!!


11-11-10, 22:10
ah thanks guys! yeah I have been to see my doc, was given atenolol to stop the heart palps, but doesn't seem to be doing a lot for me! Am not the kind of person who takes too well to taking meds so am slightly weary of them but who knows where this road will lead me next!

Just seem to be stuck in the horrible circle of getting symptoms, worrying about them...getting worse symptoms...garrrr!!!


i was exactly the same with the meds when i was first given them, took me a week to actually take the first tablet as i was really worried but i am so glad i did now, i thought i cant feel any worse then i do so i started taking them, getting there slowly but i def think there helping me. could always talk to your doc about it, see how you feel x

12-11-10, 07:57
hiya, im new to this too. But i also suffer from Health anxiety, its just the worst thing ever, not a day goes by that im not fixated on an illness, its like tourture. I have had some councelling and my gp is very understanding. I have months of thinking that i have cancer, heart problems, my children are ill??? i cannot get it out of my mind, and i constantly wonder what it would be like to be normal and not think like this. I have ruined the last 2 even 3 xmas's due to beeing completely obssed with cancer. This year i was hoping would de diffferent. Things were going so well......until......thud.....these awful skipped heart beats came back, 3 a minute constantly for the past 2 months. Im so worried, i have been to my gp, and he has assured me that im ok, they are common, and i dont need any tests. If i had a heart problem i would have more than just skipped beats!!! Ok......then i asked...when will they go away, he replied they may never go away. So im still worried??? why, why cant i be normal and accept this, lilke my friend and family would??? Why would my dr lie to me????? its not worth his future is it???!!! surely!!???? so your not alone, and its an awful thing, one dr said to me once, what your suffering from is nearly as frightening, a the big C.....i thought for a minute!!!!.................its ture, this awful thing has overtaken my life, ruining it, im only 30, i have a lovely life, a fiance, 2 children, house, money???? so why cant i get on and enjoy it? will it ever go away. Gosh i hope so. I think that when i look back at my like when i am like 80....i would have spent like, 50 years of them worrying!!! xxxx

12-11-10, 08:15
hi sam :welcome: to nmp xx

paula lynne
12-11-10, 09:58
Hi Sam, a belated welcome to you x:welcome:

12-11-10, 18:01

12-11-10, 18:07
hi and :welcome: to nmp :bighug1: