View Full Version : bleeding anus

11-11-10, 23:28
sorry but for 2 weeks ive seen blood on the toilet paper when ever i wipe on and off. ive got a bit of pain on the outside and the blood is bright red.

what could it be?

11-11-10, 23:29
on the anus

11-11-10, 23:30
piles and/or a fissure

11-11-10, 23:32
i also get the feeling after going to the toilet that my ass is leaking.

anything to worry about?

11-11-10, 23:36
could it be wiping too hard?

11-11-10, 23:37
You could be - use that Andrex wet toilet paper for a while - it is softer.

if it doesn't go away then go and see doc who can examine you

11-11-10, 23:41
not had it for a while then it happened tonight. the outside now feel sore. could it be rubbing too hard?

12-11-10, 10:34
does anyone else know what this might be as it happened again this morning and it feels really tender down there now.

has anyone else maybe had this too?

12-11-10, 10:41
As Nicola said, it's probably a fissure or piles.

12-11-10, 10:55
could you tell me what that is please?

12-11-10, 11:57
A fissure is a tiny tear and piles are the blood vessels around your sphincter getting engourged and bleeding. Often caused by straining and /or hard faeces.
Look at your diet, drink plenty of water (Helps to soften the stools) and increase your fibre intake (bulks up stools for more regular motions. Creams for piles are available at any chemist or supermarket and if you are sore from to much wiping use a cream such as that used on babies bums.

If in doubt see your doc, he very likely sees someone with piles on a daily basis so it will be routine for him/her.

12-11-10, 12:31
so do you think i should not worry about it?

it's happened to me twice, and the bleeding is a very small amount. I tried to see if there was signs of piles but couldn't really see anything.(i know, sorry, sounds a bit wrong. lol)

12-11-10, 16:24
If they are bad piles you will not only see them but feel them to (They are sometimes affectionately known as arse grapes for obvious reasons). If you are only getting a small amount of blood then you may not see anything at all as sometimes the ‘piles’ are just inside, often with hemroid cream you get an adapter for internal application – if you get my drift.:blush:

Oh and the mirror thing I challenge anyone on here of either sex to deny at some time they haven’t done the mirror thing – its the only way to see unless you have an understanding partner:)