View Full Version : Is is really anxiety?

12-11-10, 10:03

I have joined the website today as I am desperate for some answers. I have never been diagnosed with Anxiety before and I am finding it hard to accept. I have had a few health scares recently but nothing serious.

However I have found myself left with very bizarre symptoms and now I have convinced myself that I have MS.

I have tingling, buzzing prickly and burning skin, sore tongue, muscle twitching, difficulty sleeping. I have these sensations all over my body and it has been going on for approx 1 month now

I have consulted my doctor and she did basic reflex test and said everything seems fine, but I just cannot get this obsession with MS out of my head.

I am not particularly stressed and just want to know I am going to be ok

Any advice??

12-11-10, 10:04
Hi rona1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-11-10, 10:19
Thank you Charlene

My doctor does put my mind at rest but as soon as I get home I start to worry again and think did I tell her everything etc etc and its just a cycle.

I only seem to have the nerve symptoms of MS and non of the others but I just cannot seem to think rationally.

I am convimnced that it is something more as I am not a nervy person generally?

Thank you for your kind words x

12-11-10, 10:20
Hi Rona :welcome:

Obviously I can't diagnose you but your symptoms do sound similar to those experienced by a lot of anxiety sufferers. Quite a lot of people have also posted on here with fears about MS. Maybe you would find it useful to read some of those threads? No-one seems to know of any of the users of this site actually being diagnosed with MS or anything similar. I hope you find NMP helpful x

paula lynne
12-11-10, 10:21
Hi Rona, welcome aboard. Reading the info in the left hand column about anxiety symptoms is a good place to start x:welcome:

12-11-10, 10:25
Hi Jane

Thank you, yeah I might read some of those then, I feel a bit silly really as I have never suffered with anything like this, but have just become so desperate for advise really. I have a wonderful set of family and friends and they are very supportive but non of them take my fears of MS seriously but I am petrified!

12-11-10, 10:28
Have you told your doc how anxious you are about this Rona? If you don't have MS, maybe you could do with some help in getting over the fear of it, some counselling maybe? x

12-11-10, 10:37
Yeah I have told her Jane, she just said I cant tell you have not got MS, but she said that all the symptons you have point to anxiety, she said that there there are about 30 people at that surgery with MS and that she believes there would be more apparent signs. She said she wasnt going to tell me what they were as I would convince myself I had them! she did a basic reflexes eat and said I seem fine. She gave me something to help me sleep which I have since stopped taking as I do not want to become dependant on anything like that.

I just feel so scared as I have only been married 18 months and we are looking to start a family but I dont feel like I can look forward to a future? and I feel guilty to my husband as these should be the happiest days and I am just thinking these terrible things?

12-11-10, 10:50
I'm sorry you feel like that Rona :hugs: I don't suffer too much from health anxiety (if that's what you have) so I'm prob not the best person to advise you - but there are plenty of people on here who do. I do have one issue that bothers me but have been reassured by my doc that I don't have a problem so I do try not to think about, which works ... some of the time xx

12-11-10, 10:53
Thanks for taking the time to reply to me anyway Jane, and I hope you feel good soon! x x x

13-11-10, 00:28
I have all those symptoms, day in day out. Ive had a ct brain scan and reflex tests which were all normal, but these tests cant pick up these diseases alot of the time.. Doc says anxiety but has referred me to a Neurologist just to be sure and put my mind at ease. I reckon its probably anxiety too, but i cant rest until i know for sure! Just so u know ur not alone :) x

13-11-10, 00:41
You are so not alone.....I have the exact same symptoms as you and I'm really worried about having MS....I feel that I'm wasting my life worrying about it, like you, this is the time when I should be thinking about starting a family and enjoying life with my hubby and instead I worry about my future with MS.
My doctor also did the basic reflex tests and didn't seem too concerned with my sensory symptoms, I however insisted on a referral to a neurologist (my appointment is next week and I'm freaking out!!!). On rational days I accept my symptoms are due to anxiety, on bad days I start worrying about MS. It's quite a viscious circle, I hope my neuro visit will give me some closure. All I can tell you is to hang in there and try to keep your mind distracted. I notice that when I'm about to fall asleep and I'm totally relaxed my symptoms disappear (this is very comforting to me cuz it in my head, if I really did have a neuro nasty I would have symptoms all the time). Same thing when I'm distracted.

PM me is you wanna chat!!


15-11-10, 08:56
Thanks Crazyhaz and Shazandra for you responses

I agree that my symptoms settle when I am relaxed and when I take a tablet prescribed to me by the doc which does confirm to me that it is anxiety. I have just booked a holiday and a few mini breaks to focus on a look forward and I am using them as little stepping stones to aim for. I just prey that my symptoms will soon subside and let me get on with my life. I do trust in my doctor and I believe that she would refer me if she had any inkling that I had MS, doctors cannot take that risk. But in the dark hours of the night or when I am alone this is of no comfort to me. I am just going to try and get on with it!