View Full Version : Given up smoking!

12-11-10, 10:27
I've gone three days without a cigarette, so I can officially say I have given up! :D

It feels good, although my throat does not. :)

12-11-10, 10:38
WELL DONE:D you should be proud of yourself. X

12-11-10, 10:49
Well done you :yesyes:

I have tried so many times and failed.........maybe I'll try again.

Good luck.

Carol x

12-11-10, 11:28
Well done Raver, :D its a great feeling kicking the habit. The day I got my first panic attack (middle of August), was the day I stopped. The money saved is paying for my counselling!

12-11-10, 11:45
Well done! :D I hope to give up soon but I'm a weakling when it comes to stuff like that! ;( I've cut down quite a lot though! xx

margaret jones
12-11-10, 11:50
Well Done I gave up after being a smoker for 40 yrs it will be 2 and half yrs since i last had a cigarette not easy but you will do it xxx

12-11-10, 11:51
Thanks everyone. :)

I'm going out clubbing tomorrow though, so I dunno how hard it's going to be.

12-11-10, 12:17
You'll be fine :). In my experince the lines to get OUT of the club into the smoking part are so long I can't even be bothered to wait so I just dance instead! xx

12-11-10, 12:33
Ha, I tend to smoke about 40 fags on a night out drinking. Usually 10 a day when sober. ;D

12-11-10, 13:11
LOL wow! Though I can't really talk I could easily smoke 20+ when I'm drunk especially in Summer when your sat in the beer gardens with no restrictions! If theres a non smoker when your out tomorrow stick with him/her, be easier not to smoke x

12-11-10, 13:21
LOL wow! Though I can't really talk I could easily smoke 20+ when I'm drunk especially in Summer when your sat in the beer gardens with no restrictions! If theres a non smoker when your out tomorrow stick with him/her, be easier not to smoke x

ALL of my friends smoke. It's really hard to not smoke when I'm with them.

12-11-10, 13:23
ALL of my friends smoke. It's really hard to not smoke when I'm with them.

That does make it difficult. Luckily for me, my other half gave up with me, the first month was the toughest but after that, became easier. We had a plastic cigarette each, only costs a couple of quid from the chemist, nothing in it, just tastes a bit mentholy, it really helped for that first month when we didn't know what to do with our hands!

12-11-10, 13:29
ive been stopped 6 weeks on monday, i find it hardest when out drinking, but it can be done, youve come this far keep it up and well done

Hazel B
12-11-10, 14:37
Well done!

I stopped in May this year when I had health issues and my anxiety started. Best thing I ever did for my health! I also lost a beloved relative to lung cancer and that gave me a wake up call.

I miss smoking some days but I won't start again, there is no single good reason to do it.

Keep it up, you can do it!

20-12-10, 03:26
Well done! Giving up smoking is a wonderful achievement.

20-12-10, 19:46
Me and my partner in crime on here are going to cut down in the New Year - hopefully to around no more than 50 a day :D

20-12-10, 19:53

And that's only lagers per night MM. :roflmao:

20-12-10, 20:08
I've gone three days without a cigarette, so I can officially say I have given up! :D

It feels good, although my throat does not. :)
You can "officially" say it lol.............. give it a few more days and I'll believe it!!:)

15-02-11, 20:55
hey there, hows the no smoking going?

Hazel B
16-02-11, 21:01
Well done! Like heavenly, I stopped when my anxiety started in May last year. Keep it up - tell yourself every morning you won't smoke that day.