View Full Version : Having a panic attack now

12-11-10, 14:36
I made a post yesterday about how i keep getting a burning face http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=742545#post742545

I've rang the doctors surgery for some reassurance and i'm waiting for a doctor to ring me back.
I'm severly social phobic and agiraphobic and the thought of having to speak to someone, especially a doctor, is causing me a whole lot of panic.
I feel sick and shakey, the sickness is the worst part of panic, and i'm struggling to calm myself down

12-11-10, 16:11
Hi Moose,

Well done for having the courage to ring. Dunno why but I’m a bit like that too. It’s OK making a call but I hate it when I know they’re gonna ring back but I don’t know when.

Anyway, this should be an easy one because the doctor is going to be asking all the questions, and all you have to do is give a few answers.

The other thing I sometimes find myself doing with phone calls – especially the more ‘official’ ones – is to imagine saying my whole side of it in one go. It’s almost like rehearsing a speech. But the thing is, phone calls don’t happen like that. We say one line, then the other person replies with a line, then we reply back with another, then the other person again... One line at a time is quite easy.

Can you find something else distracting to do for the time being?

Good luck :)