View Full Version : Heart Results - ectopics and dizzyness

16-03-06, 10:56
I put up a post 'new here - ectopic beats and dizzyness' a week or so ago, and have just had the results of the cardiac event monitor i wore for a week.

It seems that it is all psychological - my heart is not beating abnormally, and I have just found out that it is normal for your heart to speed up when you breath in and slow down when you breath out. This is what i was interpreting as an irregular beat!

The doctor has suggested that hyperventilation causes the dizzyness so i just need to stop getting so worked up.

I'm so relieved that my heart is not going to suddenly stop! Hopefully now i've been reassured that my heart is ok i can get on top of this...:)

16-03-06, 12:17
That's great news :D
Now you can put that one to bed and forget about any heart issues. Really pleased for you and I'm sure it's a massive relief.

All the best,
Trev :D

16-03-06, 13:53
Brilliant news and a huge weight off of your mind :D

Hopefully this will now help you towards 'kicking the anxiety and panics into touch'.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-03-06, 13:55
Nice one!!

I didn't know that either about the heart speeding up on the breath in and slower on the breath out. So that's good to hear as sometimes that is exactly what it does feel like too!!


"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

16-03-06, 14:16
I have this too and it's called Sinus arrhythmia which simply means: The normal increase in heart rate that occurs during inspiration (when you breathe in).
When I first heard the word arrhythmia I was scared and though oh no I'll need a pacemaker but it's nothing like that and totally nothing to worry about and completely normal. Most people have it but us anxious ones are so aware of everything that we notice.


16-03-06, 20:21
i have this to..... think i had about 5 test done on my heart.....mmm and and every time comes back ssaying that it to fast..ect but it fine ..but yah i worried like hell to

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