View Full Version : ectopics (panic, panic, panic!)

12-11-10, 16:40
Just got six of them in a row, with slight chest pain, now sitting shaking and crying. Got really dizzy and lightheaded so went and splashed water on my face but then started to feel funny, as if I was sleepy/drfiting in and out of reality. Really scared, what if something's wrong? Should I call 999?

12-11-10, 16:45
The thing is, and this is going to sound awful, but it is well me-time (using a euphenisim :blush:) that seems to be triggering them. I haven't done that in five or six days since the last time had loads of ectopics and was too damn scared. Then tonight the same thing happens again? I'm glad I don't know any of you in r/l as I'm so embarrassed!! Can't even tell my GP!

12-11-10, 16:51
your fine!! ive been getting them like 6 times a minute, for 2 months. todays a bad day for me too. im having tons, right now too. do you get them alot??

12-11-10, 16:53
More so lately than normal - but had two whole days without any at all. Don't know if it's because I was watching TV and quite relaxed and then suddenly got up.. so scared though :(

12-11-10, 16:54
they are so horrid. im only 30. they are constant. keep thinking i should go to hospital!!! do you get them constantly?? how old r u??

12-11-10, 16:57
Not constantly no - but both during exercise and relaxing.. at the most about 10 a day, well thats how many I feel anyway.. em I'm nineteen :) had an ECG when I was 15 for an op so I guess that hopefully rules out anything bad but my GP's organised another one for next week for more reassurance..

12-11-10, 17:01
I this time last week i was sent to hospital from the docs because i went with Eptopics and they were constant almost every beat all friday, i went to A+E had 2 ecg's blood tests and chest xray's and they sent me home the next day saying i was fine and it was just anxiety, but still i was getting them constant they didn't actually stop until monday..

So what i'm trying to say really is to TRY not to worry, easier said than done i know but just because they're constant doesn't mean they're anymore serious than normal, like i said i had them constant for 4 days.. hope that helps x

12-11-10, 17:02
Calming down a bit now, that's the panickiest I've felt in days :(

12-11-10, 17:03
Panickypants, yeah that does help thanks :) hope you are feeling better now :) x

12-11-10, 17:19
panickypants!!! i love them name!! mine should be stressedpants!! or hypopants!! ive had mine pretty constant for 2 months. been to the dr, he says im fine, they are REALLY common, just ignore them!! but i think im stuck in a vicious circle.......im always worrying about them, and feel my pulse constantly....beat beat beat pause....its doing my head in !!!!! i had a casarian section 6 years ago, and dr said if i had a heart prob it would have showed up on my 3 hour ecg!! plus if i had a heart prob, id have more that just skipped beats. pluse skipped beats arnt a sign of heart probs.....so we KEEP getting told!!! i need to chillax big time. but i cant!! xx

12-11-10, 17:23
OK well I'm going to try and listen to you Katie - if you said you had an ECG six years ago and they're telling you not to panic then I'm going to try so hard and do the same :) I'm too scared to feel my pulse :( I keep worrying I might have like an arrythmia or something but I suppose chances are it would have shown up.

12-11-10, 17:25
It scares me that they come on during *that* though I suppose with all the adreniline and heart rate speeding up and that it must make a difference? Someone told me that if you hold your breath a lot (during anything - I hold mine when relaxing) then that can be a trigger too. I got all freaked out when I picked up my phone tnoight and hit the touch screen, not realising I was pressing 999 and looked down to see 999 on the display, I was like :ohmy: this means something! But calmed down a bit. Thanks xxx

12-11-10, 17:50
daisycake!!!! i need to try harder too, i feel my pulse all the time and ALWAYS feel a skipped beat!! i must stop as it makes me worse!!! WE MUST....MUST LISTEN to the drs????? why would they lie to you/us???????????? i really want some wine tonight, and a chinese.......but im scared, but i need to chill out and think WHATEVER!!! We CAN do it babe xx also the crank, that i am i emailed a cardiolgist in the US he also said that 50% of the population has them, the more you focus on them the worse they are, they and they are NEVER a sign of anything bad, and my ecg would have shown something up! his name was david richardson heart and cardiology!.....put it in google, it really is quite reasurring!

12-11-10, 17:58
daisycake!!!! i need to try harder too, i feel my pulse all the time and ALWAYS feel a skipped beat!! i must stop as it makes me worse!!! WE MUST....MUST LISTEN to the drs????? why would they lie to you/us???????????? i really want some wine tonight, and a chinese.......but im scared, but i need to chill out and think WHATEVER!!! We CAN do it babe xx also the crank, that i am i emailed a cardiolgist in the US he also said that 50% of the population has them, the more you focus on them the worse they are, they and they are NEVER a sign of anything bad, and my ecg would have shown something up! his name was david richardson heart and cardiology!.....put it in google, it really is quite reasurring!

Yeah my mum is always saying that too, that she gets them ALL the time and doesnt think twice about them, :winks: I actually phoned up the BHF "heart helpline" the other night and spoke to a cardiac nurse who told me to see my GP and "demand an ECG, and a stress test" .. I did phone my GP, explained what was happening, she just went "hmmm, have you had an ecg, do you want another" but yeah on google it says they're only a worry if exercise makes them worse. But I guess sex (is what triggers them in moi) is a whole other kind of exercise :roflmao: enjoy your chinese/wine, I'm away to go stick some pizza on - got a week off uni so ought to be celebrating haha. Got to fill out some anxiety diary sheet things for my CBT therapist so should probably go get on with that too. Though given the nature of what triggers these off, I am too embarrassed to tell anyone - like I said, thank goodness I can hide behind a screen here :roflmao:xx

12-11-10, 18:09
Aah looked up that guy, he seems really nice, I may just type in a question to him tonight, is it free to do?

12-11-10, 19:03
yep completely free!!!! quite a quick responce too!! xxx maybe its hereditory!!!?? my mum thinks im nuts worrying!!! xx

12-11-10, 19:13
ditto! yeah I think it might be, I certainly think anxiety is, like if your parents are then maybe you are more likely to be anxious as well.. my mum has awful anxiety problems and my dad (who refuses to be in contact with out sending me abusive messages about my mum) has mental health difficulties too, someone said sociopathy and I'd like to say they were joking but even my gp agrees :S haha. Ahh well. Had my tea now so going to stick on a film, relax and get an early night I think :)