View Full Version : What is wrong with people...

12-11-10, 17:13
I started speaking to somebody new online as just a friends sort of thing, added me on msn and we were just having a laugh, we have the same interests and we found the same things funny.
Today they came online and started saying weird things that I just didn't understand, how I think I'm this and that.
They went on to tell me how ugly I was and all these names under the sun for no reason.
I'm usually very witty and quick when it comes to these sorts of things but it caught me by surprise so much that I just sat there and watch the horrible comments pour in until they decided to delete me.
This will play on my mind now for the next however many weeks, I can't let go of anything and I read into things too much.
Does anybody else get like this? You just can't let go and you just feel so defeated because you just can't get your mind off it?
I'm just so confused.

12-11-10, 17:28
Hi, There are lots of complete idiots who play games pretending to like someone and then causing them lots of grief in the long run. Delete this person as soon as possible before they cause you any more hassle.

12-11-10, 18:09
I've had my fair run in with people on the internet. Every single one of them has had bi polar. Don't take offence from what they've said. I would place a bet and say that person is probably deeply disturbed and probably feeling like an ass for being so rude to you.
Keep your chin up!
I met my husband online, so there are plenty of nice people out there to talk to :)

12-11-10, 18:18
People on the internet can be any one they want , maybe this person is just plain mean or maybe they are mentally ill or maybe their account was hacked . your not the cause of how that person is acting .

12-11-10, 18:44
I hate facebook. My best friends feel they can say whatever they want because they don't have to see my face. Ironic really, being FACEbook. Same with MSN, texting...what cowards they are. Maybe take it as a lesson about internet safety. Of course you will feel upset...you were let down by someone you briefly trusted. The best thing to do is shrug your shoulders though.

12-11-10, 19:54
hi. ive never had that situation as such happy to me. i do however understand what you mean i find it hard to let thins go and of somebody says something to me strangley then i replay the stuation over and over agian it drives me nuts.

12-11-10, 20:51
hi midnight,

What a rotten thing for someone to do to you, but sadly things like this do happen from time to time..

I know what you mean about not being able to let stuff go, i am the same, you will replay things over and over in your head, incidents, conversations, worries, to the point that you cant think of anything else, and yes sometimes it does last for weeks on end, and totally drives you mad. I know a few of my friends are very similar too.


12-11-10, 21:03
I don't use chat rooms for that exact reason MC as 'anyone' can pretend to be anyone or anything they like on them.

I work in IT and some of my jobs include moderating web chat forums and the number of spammers and trouble makers I have to remove and block is ridiculous.

My advice is that unless you 'know' people stay well away and don't get involved.

As for the idiot you mentioned you should be able to report him/her to the sites administrators so they can be banned.

I exclude this site in my above comment by the way as I realise that most people on here are frequent posters and have been 'friends' for ages :)

Don't give what they said a second thought as they are NOT worth it and are pathetic creatures !!


13-11-10, 11:49
unfortunately - there are some wierd people out there - try not to let it upset you - its their problem not yours xx

13-11-10, 12:00
As above I avoid social network sites like the plague and chat rooms – always seems to end in tears.

As posted elsewhere I work in a secondary school and not a day goes by that I don’t get a student (Nearly always female) in tears because someone has said this or that on facebook, MSM etc. The school nurse / shoulder to cry on has a steady stream of students throughout the day and she will always confirm that just about in every case the dreaded ‘face book’ word crops up.

Sorry if my opinion seems harsh but obviously in my job I see the end result of many of these confrontations.