View Full Version : Hey everybody

12-11-10, 17:28
Hey everyone, my name is dee, i suffer with anxiety and panic attack, i have a baby on the way too. just had a panic attack while getting my eyebrows waxed today was kinda embarassing. just getting really tired of having all these symtoms and not been able to control them. its been going on for 2 years now and just cant seem to enjoy life because of all this worrying and stress. sorry for rambling on. hope everyone is keeping well :)

12-11-10, 17:29
Hi arsenal123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-11-10, 17:41
Thanx allison xx

12-11-10, 18:11
hi and :welcome: to nmp :bighug1:

paula lynne
12-11-10, 19:00
Hi Dee, a big warm welcome, congratulations on your baby xx:welcome:

Kerry B
12-11-10, 21:35
:welcome: Aboard Dee, you will never been alone. x

16-11-10, 10:15
Thanx guys xxx

16-11-10, 11:16
Hiya Dee

Nice to 'meet' you:welcome:
I'm pretty new on here too and everyone is so nice :hugs:

When's your baby due and is it your first? My sister has just had a little boy and my other has a six month old girl. and Ooooh I'm getting all broody again.

Know what you mean about anxiety and panic being embarrasing at times though but I have to admit way before I started getting anxiety I was having my eyebrows plucked for the first time (about 3 years ago) and half way through the first one they had to stop as I couldn't stand it as IT BLUMMIN HURT. I screamed and jumped up from the chair and said 'NO MORE'

My sister-in-law and everyone else was in fits of giggles and couldn't believe me. I think my eyebrow must be very sensitive to pain so I had to come away with odd brows:roflmao:

16-11-10, 11:47
Hi Dee, :welcome:to the forum.

16-11-10, 12:40
Hey dizz

Thanx for your message, yeh it does get real embarassing it was the first time it ever happened to me while getting my eyebrows done ha. i thought my heart was gonna come through my chest ha, I just sat there and had to keep tellin myself to relax ha.

My baby is due on the 13th of April. cant wait now seems for ever away but id say the time will fly. This is my first, and it will be the first grandchild in my family too so it will prob be spoiled rotten ha.

Aw congratulations on the birth of your niece and nephew. have you got any kids?

Seems pregnancy has made my anxiety shoot through the roof. Its so nice to talk to people who is going through it cos some people dont realise how scary it is.

This is a real good place to talk to people who have been through it.

16-11-10, 12:41
Thanx paulst