View Full Version : Bored with health worries

12-11-10, 20:40

I am totally sick and bored of all my health worries. I mainly worry about my family. I dont give a monkeys uncle about myself except to what extent it will effect my family. I have three children and a wife all of who I love dearly and worry about there health daily.

I am so sick of feeling like this.



12-11-10, 22:03
I totally feel the same - it's not that I worry about being ill, it's not being there for my children and the effect if will have - and it's constant and like you I'm so sick of it, I wish I could just enjoy what I have but this HA demon is always lurking in my subconscious and always has a habit of rearing its ugly head.

As for help - I'm not sure how your HA affects you but I'm waiting for CBT counsilling - I have been on venaflaxin before and this really helped but I'm going to try and get through it without any med's as I've had CBT before but I was on venaflaxin and I thought I was over my HA until I came off venaflxin and here I am again. Others things I do to cope are mainly distraction, anything to force myself to think about something else other than HA and if all else fails I get in the car and go for a drive with music on - this forces me to concentrate and normally calms me down. Oh and I don't google my symptons anymore - hope this helps

14-11-10, 20:32

I have had my CBT. I was referred at the initial onset of my anxiety disorder. My hands would shake when ever I was holding a drink or knife and fork in front of strangers. After my CBT finished for this I felt a lot better and then I went downhill due to life stress and I started with other anxiety symptoms like tight chest etc... I could never apply the CBT to the new symptoms so feel I would need to be referred again as to address my faulty protective thinking.

I am sure if you describe all your symptoms your CBT will be very effective.

Take Care
