View Full Version : SSRI's question...!! plz help :(

12-11-10, 21:47
What are the symptoms of cutting down on ssri's too quickly?? I keep getting very scary strange sensations, and im wondering whether its because i suddenly lowered my citalopram dose down from 20mg to 10mg for 2 weeks... ive gone back up to 20mg now but these symptoms arent going away.

Another question is,

can someone please recommend FROM THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE a medication that is good for physical anxiety symptoms??? I need to know what has worked REALLY WELL for others??

Also, my doc has said i cant have anymore Diazepam..ive been taking 2mg for 11 months now, but not everyday. So im anxious now coz theyve been my lifeline whenever ive felt anxious and panicky... now i know ive not got them in my bag, i know this will make me worry more :(

Is propanalol good for physical anxiety symptoms??coz ive heard good thing about propanalol??? I dont have racey heart or anything, so not sure this is good idea as propanlol slows heart rate...

Any help/suggestions hugely appreciated xxxxx

12-11-10, 21:53
I found venaflaxin really helpful - although again if you miss a couple of doses it does make you feel very weird and when coming off it I really had to wean off it gradually but it really did help x

12-11-10, 22:16
I take 30mg of propranolol a day and it doesn't really slow my heart, just makes it less noticeable. My doctors told me to take 60mg a day but not rly comfertable with that lol. Doctor will probably give you 10mg tablets to start with and tell you to take 2-3 a day or even just one when you feel anxious. Stops adrenaline reacting with your blood I think, stops shaking, pounding heart, etc and helps stopping that "weird" state you sometimes get just before you fall asleep. Idk if you know what I mean.

10mg is a really low dose, some people take up to 140mg a day with no problems! I told my doctor I was scared that if I took 60mg a day my heart would go too slow and he nearly laughed and was like no it doesn't work like that lol!. xx

12-11-10, 22:22
Lol. Im thinking about taking them, as i have 3 boxes of propanalol in my cupboard n i havent even taken them lol. Are they the same as diazepam then???

I rly want something that will help with the physical symptoms such as off balance feeling, twitching, etc..

Yes pokerface i get that too, strange isnt it lol. Mind playing tricks i put it down to lol.

12-11-10, 22:26
oh my god why havent i taken them, i jut read how it helps with anxiety symptoms and the reviews is brilliant for people with physical symptoms of anxiety. sounds like it really does help!!! Guna start taking them tomorrow..

Anyone know of any side effects?? and how long they last?? x

12-11-10, 22:27
Hmm, I've neva had diazapam I've only bin offered propranolol by my doctor. I've bin 3 times since my health anx started an hes just gev me more or told me to take more lol. They get into your system pretty fast and stop a lot of nasty feelings, as long as getting a pounding/fast heart, my arms/hands used to shake quite a lot before taking the propranolol, I still get a pounding heart sometimes but the shaking never happens any more!

Is worth a try if you have them. You only have to take one 10mg tablet, maybe 2mora morning, see how you get on! I promise 10mg is a really really small dose of propranolol it won't slow your heart, just make it a little less noticeable. xx

12-11-10, 22:30
Oh, I felt a little funny for the first week after starting them. I was a lot more grumpy than usual and my head felt too big for my body but that was it for me really! Some people find it makes them more tired or feel a bit ill because it lowers blood pressure too but one 10mg tablet shouldn't do any of that. If you start taking the dose the doctor recommended for you an it doesn't sit well you can just go back an discuess it and he will either lower your dose or take you off them if you don't like them xx

12-11-10, 22:48
Great thanks, il let u know how I get on x

13-11-10, 00:40
I've taken propranolol for years as they can also be used to help prevent migraine attacks. I take 80mg daily which is a moderate-sized dose. Beta-blockers work by blocking beta waves in the brain, which help to reduce blood pressure (which is the main therapeutic use of them). They also slow down the heart in bigger doses, and also help stop some of the physical symptoms of anxiety, like shakes, trembling etc.

They're not the same group of drugs as diazepam. Diazepam are a tranquiliser, whereas propranolol are actually a cardiac drug.

In lower doses they really don't cause much in the way of side effects for most people. It tends to be at the higher doses when they happen. When I first started taking them, I noticed that I had quite vivid dreams for a while, and they also give me cold hands. They're a very safe drug and have been in use for a long time, and they're useful in that they can be given to help a number of different conditions.

13-11-10, 01:29
oh my god why havent i taken them, i jut read how it helps with anxiety symptoms and the reviews is brilliant for people with physical symptoms of anxiety. sounds like it really does help!!! Guna start taking them tomorrow..

Anyone know of any side effects?? and how long they last?? x

They are not the same as diazepam

I really do feel after seeing all your posts that you need therapy and not drugs.

Have you been referred can you tell me?

13-11-10, 17:54
ive had cbt, worked for 2 months, then i totally relapsed. i dont feel its guna work again as i cant get out of the worry that there is infact sumthing going on as the symptoms have never gone away, even when i was anxiety free. i have to wait to see the neuro. i mean, i lose feeling in my arm its very scary and happens all the time. doc has even said its not right and deffo need to see neuro. x

13-11-10, 23:14
When I have come off SSRI's in the past, even v slowly I have felt odd and dizzy and like I was 2 paces behind myself, not inside my body.

Diazepam is a sedative but is very addictive that is why your doctor doesnt want to keep prescribing it. The propanolol are a beta blocker which block the effects of adrenaline. It helps with the shakes and racing heart, also makes you less aware of your heartbeat as it doesnt thud as much. They will not slow your heart down too much unless taken in overdose. I take 10mg 2-3tmes a day and thts a very low dose but is effective for me.

13-11-10, 23:48
does it stop the weird odd feeling too? i also get strange looking vision sort of like everything seems hazey, and i have constant brain fog if thats wot u can call it... will this help with all that? x

14-11-10, 05:15
I guess the only way to know is to take one and see.
It helps anxiety generally purely by blocking adrenaline, so that in itself may help to give your nervous system a rest.

14-11-10, 05:22
floruxetine has been good for me first meds iv been on