View Full Version : I just don't know what to do with myself

12-11-10, 21:51
well my worry over skin cancer is back - I read in the media that some poor person who was misdiagnosed and now its too late to treat - in a nut shell this is my biggest anxiety with my health - that I or a Dr will miss a vital sign and it will delay treatment and I will not survive. HA is never ending I bounce from one concern to another, just when I think I've mastered the worries along comes another one I had got over and so the cycle continues. And more annoyingly it always happens on a friday and then I have two days of not being able to try and get an appointment - and then when I do get to see a Dr I know even if I am given the blessed reassurance I need I will probably start to doubt the Dr within a couple of hours and so this HA goes on......................... does anyone else feel the same - looking for peace of mind that I am not alone :weep:

12-11-10, 22:00
oh my god you are definately not alone i am exactly the same i dont just get the symptom i somehow manage to diagnose myself and before i know it my irrational thoughts have blown outta control and noone can do anything to save me the doctors wont be able to do anything for me need i go on lol i bet that rings a few bells!!!!!!!!!
i am sooo scared i wont be around for my children i see my little bot sleeping or smile at me and instead of thinkin how sweet he looks i start panicking inside thinking that i wont be around to see him it drives me insane i just wanna be normal and healthy and im sure we are
i was once told that someone who focuses on their health like we do would definately not miss any vital signs of something seriously wrong and deep down we know that its just when your mind starts throwing in the what ifs isnt it
if ever you want to chat pm me i dont mind if i can help i will
but seriously you are defo not alone it is so easy to say this but chill you really would know if something was wrong big hugs to you xx

12-11-10, 22:09
it's when they are asleep and peaceful that I feel the most panicked and sad - being a parent brings so much joy but also so much anguish - I wouldn't change having them but sometimes the worry of not being around consumes the sheer joy and blessing that having children are. SO glad I'm not alone - likewise feel free to pm ell1877 if you need to xx

12-11-10, 22:13
hi thanku it does really get you down doesnt it i will do it would be nice to talk to someone who understands how i feel take care talk soon xx