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View Full Version : still dizzy, bit of a rant and really fed up, sorry

12-11-10, 22:28
I have dizzy spells and have had them on and off for a few months (feeling it now) i have been to the doctor a few times about it i've been told it was labrynthitus and i went a few days ago and came out worse and also felt angry (so angry i walked home and i don't walk much), he checked for vertigo (which it isn't) but didn't check my ears or blood pressure, he said it was because of my mood and feeling low. he told me to go out more (hard to do when you feel dizzy) and because i only had a part time job i have alot of time on my hands. he kept looking at his watch and told me to go see the doctor i usually see ( i would but impossible to get app when i want)
it can appear at anytime, anywhere i haven't been able to put a pattern to it (thought i'd found a pattern because it seemed to be before the 'time of the month' but the pattern has changed) i thought maybe it was the meds (i've been on citalopram 20g for about a year and the spells developed more frequently over the last few months) should i come off them?
i am now feeling that i can't cope with it anymore, i'm going insane, it's affecting everything i do and doctors don't understand and i just want to stay in bed and sleep as then i don't know it's there.
i don't seem to be able to ignore it and carry on.
would love to hear a medical explanation for it as i think knowing why would put my mind at rest
does anyone know of anything i can do to make them subside. please feel free to pm me
on my way home from doctors i decided (in my angry state) that i'm the only one that can do anything about it i want to get better and i'm sick of nobody taking notice of me, i have been going out more but still feeling the same. i don't know what else to do.
sorry i know i'm ranting and probably skipping from subject to subject but i'm really at a dead end, please i would welcome any advice

12-11-10, 22:53
im on 20mg citaslopram and get awful dizzy spells day in day out. was fine on them for about 7 months, then sudenly started getting dizzy really bad. Im not sure if it is the citalopram, but i fort i would lower my dose. So i did. (went down to 10mg). I didnt have any dizzy spells at all for the 2 weeks that i had lowered my dose, but then started getting loads of really strange sensations in my body and weird head feeling like spaced out all the time, i got scared so im taking 20mg citalopram again now. And now my constant lightheadedness has come back. So i do think its the medication if im honest, but im not 100% sure, as why would it suddenly start after 7 months???!!!! Ive had CT Brain Scan because mines been so bad, and seen ENT doctors, they cant find ANYTHING. So, its either meds, or anxiety... sorry i dont have a better answer hun. xx

12-11-10, 23:04
thank you for replying, it helps knowing others get the same, the doc told me to go back in a couple of weeks so i might ask them.
i didn't have any side effects that i'm aware of for a few months and now this. don't even know if i can call it dizzy, it is sometimes where things are moving, other times i get a rush in my head which makes me feel off balance

12-11-10, 23:43
exactly the same, mines not true dizziness, its like an off balance, fuzzy sort of wozzy rushy head feeling, and constant lightheadedness. i get sudden bouts of vertigo that makes the floor look like its moving up and down too. very scary, but yes probably anxiety or meds, hope doc appt goes ok. woirth seeing ENT to check its not ur middle ear which controls balance. x

12-11-10, 23:47

I get the head rush feelings, get them when im not on citalopram and when i am. dr says its my anxiety

mandie x

13-11-10, 00:11
sorry you get the same mandie but thank you maybe i'm not going mad.

whenever i go to docs everything i have is either put down to my depression or my anxiety, they won't send me for tests because i don't need them apparantly and at the time i just accept it as what they say but after a few hours and i feel the symptoms again i kick myself for not saying anything. feels like i'm going in circles with the doctors

13-11-10, 00:25
UVE GOT TO SAY U WANT TO BE REFERRED. and if they refuse, u complain. and if they stil dont, then change gp's. They cant just put everything down to anxiety and depression, thats a bad doctor. I would not stand for that atall. My doctor knows i suffer anxiety, but never ever hesitates to send me for tests, as theres always that chance its not you see!! Ive had loads of tests, and my doctor is fab. Dont stand for it again. U gotta be tough and bit selfish sometimes lol. x tke cre x

13-11-10, 00:44
thank you, i'm not really a forceful person i guess i need to try. they just sent me for counselling last time but i finished that at the beginning of the year and thr
ey just seemed to pick on the fact i didn't go out much, sometimes i just don't want to. i'm gonna make an app with my normal doctor the one i went to see just asked what i wanted to do, didn't even read i was already on anti depressants coz he asked if i wanted o go back on them, then asked if i wanted to lose weight but he didn't have time to talk about it. thought it was a waste of time really

13-11-10, 01:17
UVE GOT TO SAY U WANT TO BE REFERRED. and if they refuse, u complain. and if they stil dont, then change gp's. They cant just put everything down to anxiety and depression, thats a bad doctor. I would not stand for that atall. My doctor knows i suffer anxiety, but never ever hesitates to send me for tests, as theres always that chance its not you see!! Ive had loads of tests, and my doctor is fab. Dont stand for it again. U gotta be tough and bit selfish sometimes lol. x tke cre x

You cannot insist on being referred.

I had the dizziness / off balance etc for 2 years or more and it was anxiety and it will go in time once you learn to accept it and breathe correctly.

You need to try other things before being put through loads of tests etc.

Have you tried relaxation, abdominal breathing etc to help?

Going home
13-11-10, 01:29
Crazyhayz...did you have 'loads' of tests that were negative? Would there not come a point where you would sit down and think to yourself that maybe its time to stop having the tests? Your doctor sounds really great, but not every doctor will do this at the insistence of their patient, alot of doctors (nhs doctors mainly) will do so many tests that come back negative and then say its enough. This is usually when they pescribe meds for anxiety instead. Frustrating but true.

Anna xx

13-11-10, 01:31
i have tried breathing but i used to have a great cd but lost it i have found some on here but i can't transfer them to cd (laptop doesn't want to let me) hoping i can get them to cd soon

13-11-10, 01:36
You don't need a CD - the breathing techniques are on the website pages here and how to do them

13-11-10, 01:37
i will look and try them, only reason i mentioned the cd is because i used to have one and it was brilliant and really helped so thought i'd try it again

13-11-10, 01:39
Do you know who the CD was by?

13-11-10, 01:41
no, my counsellor gave it to me but he's gone now so can't ask him