View Full Version : Feeling weird. Scared. Please help!

Natalie x
12-11-10, 22:48
Hi. I have been feeling a bit 'funny' the past hour. It may sound weird but im worrying over going in a trance. It happened earlier and now im thinking about everything that i've just done, making sure i remember what i've done. Im worrying that it may be a stroke or something terrible. My mind is running riot and im not sure if anyone else do this, but i keep visualising something happening to me and its scaring me. I worry that my body will feel lifeless and just stop functioning by these dazed feelings. Sorry to ramble. I have been doing so well with my h.a and have finished my cbt 3 weeks ago. Any reply would be great. Thanks x

12-11-10, 22:54
If it was a stroke you wouldn't beable to type here hun. I do the visualising thing, scary, but thoughts are all they are. I often get scared that thinking something so vivid like that will lead to it actually happening but it's impossible lol! Remember just let them in and face them, they can't hurt you. You're just having a little blip, will most probably be over by the time you wake up tomorrow. xx

12-11-10, 22:54
Hi Natalie,
Doesn't sound like a stroke. It would have developed by now. You said you've been doing well lately, try and concentrate on that Natalie. Think about the progress you've made and shove the negative thoughts back where they belong. It's not easy, but I'm sure you will soon start to feel better. Try and take your mind off things.
take care
