View Full Version : Heart again

13-11-10, 09:58
I can't believe I'm worrying about my heart again but I am. Basically I have had a very tight chest for a week now. I have to keep taking really deep breaths and just feel like something is sitting on my chest. I don't have a cold or anything like that. I haven't suffered asthma in years and don't know what would have triggered it if that was the case. Every time I get up to walk to the kitchen or upstairs I am really puffing and panting. I'm even getting out of breath talking. It's on my mind a lot now. Even at night when I'm relaxed it is still tight and I can feel my heart thumping hard and my pulse is quite fast and goes quick and slow.

I had an echo and treadmill test a couple of months ago and was sent away no further action.

13-11-10, 11:03
Hi I've had all the tests in january all fine but I can't stop worrying about my heart I'm so scared and I'm sick of it. My chest is tight all the time but what can I do docs say I'm fine. So I guess I have to take there word for it. I really hope you feel better soon I know how scary this heart worry is, its ruining my life at the minute if I'm honest xx

13-11-10, 11:38
Me too sammi. It's overtaking life in general.

13-11-10, 11:50
I don't know how much it will reassure you but my mum is like that all the time, always breathing heavily and sighing, she says the more she focuses on it the worse it gets and she really does believe that it is anxiety. I'm sure you will be fine, the fact that your echo and treadmill tests were fine suggests nothing untoward is going on :) if it makes you feel any happier my mum's only had an ECG and they say she's fine so.. xx

13-11-10, 12:57
Me 3 I'm exactly the same over my heart :( I wish it would stop im trying to enjoy a family day out but I can't get it out of my head that somethings wrong my chest is tight I have no pain so why can't I just enjoy myself!

You know I really hate anxiety an I'm trying so hard to beat it :(


13-11-10, 13:26
Claira awful isn't it. We will get there we can't be like this forever x

13-11-10, 17:42
It could well be anxiety, but as you have a history of asthma I would say it is worth seeing your GP for a check up. Are you coughing at all and do you wheeze/cough if you take a deep breath in and out?

13-11-10, 18:39
add me to the 'worried about my heart forum' its such a horrid thing, im suffering from constant skipped heart beats, even though the dr says its common and im fine i cant help but worry!! but for all you guys, i used to have this weird breathing thing going on, that i dont get anymore, like i couldnt get enough air in, and was always trying to take deep breaths!! well.....in the end i had headaches etc, so i went to the dr, he says it a thing called obd?? something like that, obsessive breathing something!! where your obsessed with your breathing and taking in so much air, your body cant handle, trying to get it out, so it makes you feel breathless and full!. He also said that when he worked in a and e a lady came in with this problem, and when they checked her oxygen levels, it was like 150% wasnt that she couldnt breath, but because she had become obsessed, of which really breathing should come naturally! she had far too much!! isnt dangerous, just try to stop thinking about it!! says me..........who has skipped heart beats on my mind 24/7!!! thets start living our lifes guys, and being happy...BEFORE WE ARE ALL LIKE 90 AND ITS TOO LATE!!! XXXX

13-11-10, 18:46
:bighug1: to you all I'm so fed up of this fear over my heart.x

13-11-10, 18:49
join the club, takes over EVERYTHING!! hows your skipped beats today? lol xxx

13-11-10, 18:55
Still same yours? I've bloody got tingling in my body now. You feeling any better today? Xx

13-11-10, 19:00
been to london, so has taken my mind of it a bit!! how many would you say you get??? a few a minute?? xx

13-11-10, 19:14
dont worry about the tingling, its just nerves!

13-11-10, 19:24
Yeah a few hun. I hope so its freaking me out do you get tingling x