View Full Version : High anxiety

13-11-10, 10:27
Ive been taking my new medication for about 12 days and to be honest my anxiety is as bad as ever if not worse. Ihave had a sick note for 2 weeks,it runs out on Monday and to be honest Im terrified at the thought of work. Dont know whether to try and get another sick note or go to work and hope for the best.


13-11-10, 10:52
Hi, what medication are you taking. I too suffer with bad anxiety and have been taking sertraline for 5 and a half weeks, the bad side effects lasted about 3 and a half weeks, i do feel better but still suffer anxiety but its not as bad. One of my fears is going to work I had a sick note for 3 weeks and have had no support from my work at all. Once im there and get busy im fine, my gp told me it can take 6-8 weeks for the medication to get into my system. You have to face your fear and accept the anxiety for what it is, easier said than done I know as it makes you feel so ill, like there is something serious wrong with you! Im still struggling to accept it but people keep saying to me its just anxiety nothing else.


13-11-10, 11:38
hey:) im on day 16 of new meds and like you my anxiety is worse than ever! i had a sick note for 2 weeks but i returned to work last week as they needed me in! to be honest the anxiety is just as bad at home as at work tho least at work im acheiving summit! and keepin busy! tho if u really feel like you couldnt do it just get signed off there is no harm in it xx

13-11-10, 14:33
Hi to all,

I too suffer from anxiety, when i was diagnosed it was put off work but when I contacted a phsycologist, he told me i had to continue doing the things i normally would do, ie going to work. I understand it may be hard, it is hard for me everyday but i do it, it keeps me occupied but a struggle all day. Using Cognitive Behav theraphy certainly helps, i suggest to everyone to give it a try :yesyes:

Berti x

13-11-10, 15:10
Hi Paul. Call up your GP on monday morning and ask for a new sick note. Unfortunately AD's tend to make you feel worse before you feel better. You're over the worst of it and you should notice that each day from now on gets a little bit easier. Eventually you'll be feeling a lot better. Usually take about 4-6 weeks to get to the real benefits.
Just try and take it easy and don't worry about work all weekend. You can get a note and some more time to get used to it :)

14-11-10, 12:02
Ive decided to see my doctor tomorrow and see if I can get a sick note for 1-2 weeks then back to work. My problem is anxiety and lack of sleep. If Im lucky I can manage about 2 hours, It has left me exhausted.

14-11-10, 12:13
Hi Paul,

It's a tough old ride the first month of taking meds but in my experience it's so worth it, I'm looking forward to Christmas the first time in about 4 years now since starting cit in June!

I personally found going to work distracted me from anxiety and the side effects etc, but I guess you have to do whatever you feel is best for you.

Keep posting chuck.

Clare X