View Full Version : emetophobic - please help, winter stomach virus?

13-11-10, 11:40
hello, i'm new to this forum and i joined here because it seems a really nice community and really helpful, its so comforting to read about other people that have the same fear i do :)

i was wondering if you guys could help me out because i am quite a severe emetophobe, i'm lucky in that i rarely get ill and that my family rarely gets ill so i dont have to deal with things like that too much. but as you know, its coming up to winter and there's a vomiting bug going around our local area and schools, and its really frightening! my little brother came down with it yesterday and has thrown up 4 times and my mum has gotten ill off him too, but has gone to a business meeting today so it's just me, my brother and my dad in the house. i'm really worried because i dont have it yet but i have been in contact with both my brother and my mum (although i have seperated myself from too much contact with them now) so i have a few questions:

1) are there any extra precautions i can take apart from washing my hands a lot and using anti bacterial hand gels? i really want to boost my immunity :)

2) my dad is dealing with my brother at the moment and he is preparing our meals, can i get ill from the food he prepares? he is not ill but he has been dealing with my sick brother

3) how long is it before i can resume contact with my mum and brother and eat food made by my mum etc? (they became ill yesterday)

4) is there anything else i can do to prevent myself from becoming ill and over-worrying?

thank you so much :D xxxx

14-11-10, 10:14
I'm emetophobic too and would be exactly the same in your position!

I'm going to try and answer your questions as best as I can =)!
1) washing your hands is the best defence so carry on doing that=]! don't put your hands in your mouth,nose or eyes without washing your hands first!
Any shared surfaces such as bathrooms,kitchens etc should be wiped down with bleach to kill the virus.

2) you can get sick from things your dad prepares if he does not wash his hands properly. Tell him how worried you are and I'm sure he will give his hands a good scrubbing =]!

3) you should be able to resume contact 48 hours after their symptoms have gone. They could still be contagious during those 48 hours after they've stopped being sick.

4) the only things you can really do is wash your hands, bleach surfaces and not put hands in mouth and nose. If you have more then one bathroom ask that your mum and brother be kept in one specific bathroom so that you know the other one of germ free! If you have only one bathroom then bleach is your best friend =]. avoid going near them when they are being sick as this is the time when the virus is most contagious!

That's all I can suggest but I hope it helps! Really hope you stay sickness bug free! Let me know how you get on and if you do catch it just remember that although we would be terrified and hate every minute of it, it can't hurt us and you will be ok! ( I know that doesn't help haha - it never makes me feel any better but it is true)
good luck hun xxx

30-11-10, 12:41
Im not sure if this might help you but i just thought of it anyway, so thought Id mention it just in case.

How about upping your levels of vitamin C? Maybe eat some more broccoli and carrots and orange juice as vitamin C is supposed to help stop you from getting colds (I think)

30-11-10, 17:57
hiya hun im in the same boat as you only its not my little brother who is a problem its my daughter, she was ill end of last week (thursday night) and touch wood due to good hygiene and handwashing i managed not to catch it so there is hope.

i know its so difficult to cope with at the time but chin up.

oh i drink muller vitality daily to top up the good bacteria in my tummy to help fight any nasties, i dont actually know if it helps but logic says it should and it makes me feel a little more at ease

25-03-11, 04:42
hi im suffering atm, my baby had sickness and diaroea tues-wed this week. then today my other daughter came down with it. been awake all night with her. im trying to get sleep but cant so scared will get it. been washing hands surfaces etc all week i would rather die then be sick. do u think i will get it? i wont eat or drink just in case.

27-03-11, 11:57
hi im suffering atm, my baby had sickness and diaroea tues-wed this week. then today my other daughter came down with it. been awake all night with her. im trying to get sleep but cant so scared will get it. been washing hands surfaces etc all week i would rather die then be sick. do u think i will get it? i wont eat or drink just in case.

maisy, im sorry you are suffering right now. i hope your little ones are feeling better. just so you know, it is easier for the body to vomit if the stomach is empty, putting something in your stomach makes it more difficult. however i do understand ur reasoning, mayb eating a little something might make u feel physically and mentally a bit better? hope ur ok x

31-10-12, 10:43
I have the same preoccupation about norovirus as well. I dread catching it as I can`t stand the thought of vomiting, especially in public, I`d rather die I think, than do that. I always carry Mottilium tablets with me in case I should feel sick, & sometimes Pepto Bismol too. Iv`e heard that there`s a great new hand steriliser on the market called Sterisar or something, that`s supposed to kill norovirus.