View Full Version : pulse rate

13-11-10, 12:39

has anybody else had a pulse of about 180 when having a panic attack?


13-11-10, 12:50


13-11-10, 12:50
Yep :) I'm sure you're fine :) anxiety and the resulting adreniline causes your heart to go a bit faster :) xx

paula lynne
13-11-10, 12:51
Hi Lorraine, yes, thats about right..anything up to 200 bpm is considered "normal" while having a panic attack, and the body can sustain this for a couple of hours no problem. Are you taking your own bp/pulse then? During an attack?
Maybe concentrating on breathing and getting through it would be a better focus for you rather than thinking about/doing your bp/pulse etc. Best wishes x

13-11-10, 14:08
hi thanks for replies. I no is weird but when i take blood pressure and see it coming down if by one or two numbers whilst having an attack i think thank god its going down!!!!!!!


13-11-10, 17:40
Me, yes! Terrifying as it is it is not a problem in a healthy heart.

The best thing I have found is distraction, usually a dog walk as sitting focussing on it makes it last longer with me.

paula lynne
13-11-10, 18:09
Stop doing your bp/pulse while having a panic lorraine, you arent doing yourself any favours. Distraction is the key, but definately not doing your bp etc, as this will just feed your fear.x

14-11-10, 21:35
I get pulses up into the 160's when I get panicky. Very scary.

14-11-10, 22:15
I hit 160 a few times,scary but the paramedic didnt bat an eye and came down quickly-he said a heart can cope upto 200 no problem