View Full Version : feeling like crap in the morning

13-11-10, 12:47
does anyone else feel CRAP in the morning, i wake up everyday wishing i never woke up :(

13-11-10, 12:52
I think the initial getting out of bed is the hardest. when i really dont feel like getting up i just jump out of bed and i instantly feel better x

13-11-10, 12:58
ive been awake 2 hours now and still feel like poo. :(

13-11-10, 13:25
I wake up and feel dreadful and I try and convince myself that teh best thing to do is to keep lying there and rest an get more sleep-this infcat always makes me worse. The only way I can stop myself from feeling bad in the morning is to get out of bed staight away. Get up and do lots of things to distract yourself, put on the TV, listen to music, read a book-anything so you are not thinking about the fact you are feeling rubbish.
Once I start to distract myself I realise that the rubbish feeling has gone and I can start getting on with my day.


13-11-10, 13:56
I folks, Im new to this forum, hello to all!!! :D

I suffer from Generalised anxiety disorder and too fell terrible in the mornings. You are right when you say it is best to get up right away. I have only just realised this. I have suffered this since June of this year and it is awful, i wish it would just go away. MY doctor has just put me on beta blockers and i am already on a mild dose of anti depressants. Its good to know that there is other people who suffer the same as me (not in a malicious way) but i then know im not going mad!!!

Berti x

06-07-11, 23:17
I used to feel like crap. esp if its a work day.... but i purchased a xbox kinict thingy, and letting some steam off with a morning workout seems to do the trick.... im begining to think there is a connection between panic attacks and exercise... meaning excerise seems to help.

07-07-11, 00:59
I used to have this when I was depressed, but now that I have been successfully treated with SSRIs (anti -depressants), I'm glad to say it has gone. Exercise is great for helping with these disorders, it is always worth trying to build this into your day, even if it means just going for a walk.


07-07-11, 01:19
When I wake up I want to go back to sleep because once I'm fully awake the anxiety starts, and that half asleep phase in the morning is really the only time I feel relaxed and calm.
I'm also the worst morning person, I rarely get up feeling refreshed.
As bad as coffee can be, It's the one thing I look forward to, I don't think I could ever give up my morning coffee lol

07-07-11, 01:50
ive been awake 2 hours now and still feel like poo. :(

I think that may have something to do with how you go to sleep, if you go to sleep unsettled with things on your mind you tend to wake up with everything still unresolved so start the day feeling like crap.

Dale xx

07-07-11, 07:32
I feel like crap also when I wake up always light headed as if I am going to fall over but never do,but I get up anyway,each day is a battle been like this for 2 months now and on and off for 40 years.If I got up feeling good I,m not sure what I,d do

07-07-11, 08:25
I'm exactly the same and I do find that if I leap out of bed as the alarm goes off, I'm not tempted to think about going back to sleep. I do always feel at my worst sitting doing my make up though - I would put music or something on to distract me as my boyfriend is generally still asleep I can't.

07-07-11, 11:18
get up quick and into the shower, they are amazing! also do exercise, makes evewrything better

don't lay in bed thinking!

love hyper xxx