View Full Version : I must have a brain tumour.

13-11-10, 12:48
Ok so if you look back on my old posts you'll see i'm really worried about having a brain tumour. It on my mind 24/7, and stopping me being able to enjoy my life.
My symptoms include;
A headache that i've had for the past 3 months, i wake up with it and it lingers all day, it's right sided, and i can also feel a pain at he back of my head near my neck.
This will sound strange but again on the right side of my face i feel like there is something under my skin, obviously i think this must be the tumour.
Jerky hands and legs, especially when i'm in bed, my legs with give off little jerks, this happens on both sides.
Severe dizziness, some days it's not too bad and i feel i'm getting over it, then it always comes back totally out of the blue.
A constant fuzzy head, it almost feels like my head is detached from my body, very strange feeling.
Ringing in my ears.
Uneven pupils occasionally.
Please can anyone give me advise, i feel like i'm going to go mad soon, my doctors know my fears but just put it down to a health anxiety, but could i really honestly get all these symptoms from just that?

13-11-10, 13:15
Sounds very much to me like you have an issue with your neck which will be causing the pain in your head. When I used to go to the chiropractor he pressed on a part if my neck and it would give me a pain in the top of my head. Once he'd manipulated my neck it went!

And the jerks in bed are so normal. Everyone gets them. Some more frequently, they're to do with the body preparing to fall asleep and harmless.

13-11-10, 13:17
May I suggest you get your back, neck, ears and eyes all checked out as a starter, and then take it from there?

13-11-10, 13:26
i went to the doctors regarding the dizziness and headaches, he said it was due to labrynitis and that the anxiety would just make it 10 times worse, i also went to the opticians a few weeks ago for a eye test and field of vision test, all were fine, but i'm so not convinced.

13-11-10, 13:47
Don't forget that they can also discover a lot of problems by looking in you eyes. So that would confirm a pretty good outcome in general.

Trouble with health anxiety is we have a tendency not to believe the experts opinion or diagnosis most of the time.

It's a catch 22. The headaches would go away once you stop thinking of them but you can't because you have a headache!

13-11-10, 13:50
do you think opticians could of miss sommething tho, also i've only had these symptoms since i started taking sertraline, but i was lead to believe that side effects from anti-depressents should pass after a few weeks?

13-11-10, 14:09
OK it goes something like this 70% of people with a brain tumour develop a headache, just about all of those suffer an associated symptom such as fits, speech loss, loss of vision. Without quoting a myriad of figures the stats are that less than three people out of one million will have a headache that is due to a brain tumour. The fact your doctor and optician have given you the all clear puts you at probably one chance in billions.

Have a look here. http://www.severe-headache-expert.com/index.html

It’s a web site compiled by a NHS neurosurgeon. Click on ‘back of the head’ it sounds like your symptoms to me.

13-11-10, 14:21
thank you, i know your right but it doesn't stop the worry.