View Full Version : Excruciating low abdo pain and kidney pain

13-11-10, 17:25
For two days I've had a pain very low in my abdomen, burning, cramping pain.
I had a full abdo hysterectomy in June, and an MRI and CT scan in July and nothing shown.
Been to out of hours GP and he said blood, protein and white cells in urine and thinks I may have kidney infection and prescribed Cefaclor.
Can the pain really be this bad? I can hardly move?

13-11-10, 17:38
It certainly can be excrutiating!
Is it painful/burning when you urinate?

I know that when I have had the antibiotics it starts to feel better (much better) within 12 hours or so.

Make sure that you drink lots too and barly water will help make your wee less acidic if you have it. If not plain water is fine to flush the bugs through.

The worse time for me I sat in a warm bath drinking pints of water and just peeing. It sounds gross but it really helped with the pain. A heat pack may be of some benefit to you as well.

HTH xxx

13-11-10, 17:41
I had TAH in 2007. Have the docs suggested a transvaginal scan to see what is going on? It could be an infection? I would suggest contacting the gyn who did the surgery and arrange to meet him if your symptoms do not settle. It could be adhesions which can cause intense pain and are notoriously difficult to diagnose? They can cause the pain that you describe. Do you have a temperature?

13-11-10, 17:45
Thanks for the responses. No pain or burning when I pee.
Have had so many tests since the TAH I can't believe what can be wrong?

13-11-10, 17:49
I would take the antibiotics prescribed then if you are still in pain after the weekend make an appointment to be seen again.

The things shown on your urine test are certainly indicative of a /kidney infection