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View Full Version : Bad Panic Attack while driving

13-11-10, 18:04

I needed to write this down.

I have just had a really bad PA while driving down a dual carriageway. My heart started pounding, and I wanted to take deep breaths, my hands became tingly, numb and cold, and I was having difficulty driving. It started to seem like I was looking down a long tunnel, like looking through the bottom of a glass. I have had panic attacks before, but they all seem a bit different. I was sure that this was one, but no matter how sure you are that it is a PA, you always have this blind fear that it is something else. So I exited the dual carriageway and ended up at a housing estate. All I wanted to do was find somewhere to recover, and lie down, and someone to talk to, and somewhere with people who could get help, as by now my whole body felt like it was turning numb, and I was frightened that I was going to pass out. I knocked on one door, and I could see someone through the glass of the door, but they ignored me, and did not answer. Then I saw someone from the opposite house getting out of their car, I went over to them and asked them if I could lie down somewhere in their house, as I was having a panic attack. They were a bit abrupt with me, saying that I should move my car off the opposite drive as I was blocking it, and go and find someone else to help me. This was like a bad dream. I was trying to being polite, as I was desperate for help, but I can maybe understand some people, being wary of strangers, and not understanding panic, could react in this way. Anyway, the experience of trying to get help seemed to have made the symptoms go off a little, and I did not want to hang around there, I just wanted to get home. I had come off the peak of the attack, and I managed to coax myself back home, trying to block out the attack, that was subsiding, but trying to come back.

I am now in that post panic attack feeling of being exhausted, and I am worried it may come back on again.

I am going to have to go back to my doctor. I have suffered these type of attacks on and off for years, and things have got a lot worse again over the last month or two. When things started to get worse I went to my GP and had a full blood test, and a resting ECG: these were both normal. I had a pretty thorough medical back in June which was also normal. That is the exasperating thing about it: people keep saying there is nothing wrong with me but it does not feel like that. Maybe I need to try medication, or something else, I don't know.

Sorry for the ramble.


13-11-10, 18:27
Sorry to hear you've had a horrible day today. It's sad that people didn't help you, but as you say people are wary of inviting others into their homes these days. What with all the dishonest people out there!
I suggest you download a relaxation Mp3 and some music that you find peaceful and put it in the car, so that next time you can park up and listen to it in the car. Pack a bag full of stuff that helps to relax you if needs be.
Hope you feel better soon x

13-11-10, 18:54
Thanks for your reply.

I agree with what you say.

In fact for some situations where I know I will have problems, I do take things to distract myself, like an mp3 player full of podcasts. If I can listen to someone talking about something, and concentrate on what they are saying it often helps. Something to read is sometimes good also. I did this while having to fly on holiday recently, and I sometimes take these things to work also, if I am going through a panicky phase. I'll just have to be prepared in other situations where I know I can have problems.

13-11-10, 22:09
Next time find a nice park and lay on the grass...that should help you. Worst case scenario, park your car and move back your seat in a laying position and lay down like that. I find that i would feel much safer in my own car than in some strangers house.

14-11-10, 15:39
Thanks for the advice, was just desperate for somewhere to go. My girlfriend reminded me that there was a supermarket near where I was, I think that would have been better as well.