View Full Version : Palpatations

13-11-10, 18:52
Hi all

Does anyone else get bad palpatations rather than the full blown panic attacks? I've been put onto 40 mg's of propranalol for general anxiety and am waiting for counselling. I had to take a tablet last night as they just wouldn't go away and were coming every 10 mins or so. I always seem to get them when i'm resting though rather than out shopping, whilst driving, work etc. It's getting to the point where i'm scared to rest!!


13-11-10, 18:57
Same here hun always while I'm resting aren't they scary? X

13-11-10, 18:59
dont get me started!!! lol. ive had them constantly for 6 weeks. drs say they can last ages, im fine, cant stop freaking out though, has kinda taken over, prob why they are not going!! x

13-11-10, 19:07

Thanks for the replies. Yeah they are scary. Usually when i'm going through a bad anxious phase i get these then i have a full blown panic attack and then they bog off again but this time they just don't seem to want to give in. I hate taking tablets for it cos i feel like i'm losing the battle with it but last night was unbearable.

In a way i'm glad i seem to get them at home rather than when i'm out but my life is hectic and exhausting enough without feeling like i cant rest cos the palps are gonna get me!! lol xx

13-11-10, 19:08
I get them as well as getting panic attacks, and they happen much more often.

All the best.

13-11-10, 19:12
Aw hun it rubbish welcome to mine and katies missed beat club:yahoo: oh I have to laugh or I'd cry x

13-11-10, 19:16
Missed beat? Is that what they are? lol i'm clueless, sorry! Thanks Sam. x

13-11-10, 19:19
Yeah or an extra beat I think :mad: bloody horrid things xx

14-11-10, 00:10
i agree with you all on here, i get them a lot, have been on Propanalol 40mg about 2 motnhs now, tried to come off them but then had another one badly so put myself back onto them again. I often wonder when it will end and i can go back to being a normal happy person again.

14-11-10, 00:17
Does the propanalol help the palps? I was given these but darent take them x

14-11-10, 01:21
Hey I'm glad I've found this site! I've had all these things you talk about for years! I've only been treated for depression - probably cause I've never mentioned all these other things. Honestly it is really helping me reading the forums.
I get the palps worse at night - and yes it makes me sort of scared to sleep - cause I also wake up as tho' I've stopped breathing.

blue moon
14-11-10, 06:37
Hi I get bad palps any bloody time of day,they really suck
Petra x

14-11-10, 07:02
lol sammi!! the skippy club!!!! woohoo!! yes thets laugh, not cry. well i think im stuck in a vicious circle really, like just woken up, bang.....her we go again CONSTANTLY!!!! its just the worst think ever. I cant remember whats its like NOT to have continous palps! i make myself worse by checking my pulse!! i must stop. Propranolol....sammi i got described those too, but i agree with the last post, i feel that if i take them i will be hooked, and feels like youve given in really. I have taken a couple but....naaa doesnt really do nowt for me!!!!! :) xxx

14-11-10, 10:34
yes it does help the palpitations, and its apparantly totally harmless to take
If you want to take something more natuaral try St Johns Wort, but i just stick to Propanalol as its been scientificaly approved

14-11-10, 10:51
I'm scared to take it incase it slows my heart down to much :scared15:

14-11-10, 19:20
The propranalol took the palps off for me within about 30 mins, i still got one or two that night but nothing like i was getting. I will take them again as and when i 'really' need them. I think they're fine to take hun and really wouldn't think any doc would prescribe them to anyone who wasn't suited to them for whatever reason xx

14-11-10, 19:23
I think when mine get bad again ill take one see what happens :D

14-11-10, 19:31
I would hun. The way i'm looking at it is the doc says i can have up to 3 x 40mg a day so if i need one every other day i'm doing pretty good :D lol gotta look for the positives!! xx

14-11-10, 19:36
Yeah that's true. I told my doc I didn't want a big dose so he said take 2 x 10mg a day x