View Full Version : doctors appointment thursday

andrew england 2
16-03-06, 12:56
Well no news on my knee until tomorrow couldnt get an app' for that till tomorrow and no news on new meds until monday no app' for that till monday but cant start new meds till tuesday so no real loss.

Had an app' with a gateway worker (mental health nurse) hr app' she asked questions i was honest in answers she took notes then i asked her if she knew about derealisation to which the answer was yes (great relief) I explained about NMP and that i use it as my main data resource and she said that yes rerealisation is symptom of acute anxiety, bascially a self protection system i had built inside myself since childhood to protect myself.

I asked what could be done to cure me - answer - a long difficult process but it can be done if i am willing to fully commit to it (1st lesson i learnt today - i can never be cured - i can be as normal as the next person - but there aint no cure for life - my words)

As it took an admission to hospital for treatment for alcohol withdrawl (due to one too many bender for me trying to calm myself down) she used alcohol as an example.

She did this in the form of a graph showing a natural rise in anxiety due to a stressful event and the peak of the anxiety as the stress is solved and then a natural fall in anxiety after resolution of the stressor. She then drew a line in the anxiety rise and marked alcohol - this has been the point at which i was messing up - i should have allowed the anxiety to rise to the point at which I solved the problem then the anxiety falls naturally away and its a completely natural process - but i was never hitting that high anxiety level as i was sedating myself before then with alcohol so i was not going thru the full process and over time my ability to deal with anxiety has fallen and i have become weaker and less able to deal with stress.

Which all makes perfect sense - so the solution is to develop coping mechanisms that do not include alcohol and to solve the problem myself thereby developing my personal inner strength.

So that concludes the question over whether i am alcoholic, i am not, i can drink socially but i am slitting my own throat if i drink to cope with stress.

I am sure in me it goes very deeper than this - i have always found a very strong collation btw smoking and how i deal with stress - this for me has always been that when i try to stop smoking i use problems as a diversion from thinking about smoking eg: my car breaks down and i need to call the AA 1) think NOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN SMOKE 2) think well it will take the AA an hr to get here and fix it so thats another hr under my belt not smoking - resolution - my car breaking down is a positive. And that goes for every stress from making a cup of tea to a broken down car. Now with me smoking is very much a diversionary tactic against stress, every little thing that i need to do or that goes wrong i want to light a cig - so i can see it for what it is now - that kick that little buzz as the pulse increases and the bp rises - i am addicted to physcological kick of cigs to divert me away from my stressor (big or small) which then kicks off a chain reaction of cigs caffeine alcohol sleep wake cigs caffeine and so forth............................. always looking for a diversory buzz to dealing with something i dont like be it what it may.

And why did it used to make me feel so good to not smoke ? well cos i was active, i was running off adrenalin, i was doing positive things that were positively improving my physical health and my actual life and i felt good about myself (why didnt i keep it up ? immaturity self pity lack of foresight oh and low self esteem resulting in the gf from hell a bullying family a poor choice in friends and resentment at doing a job i thought i was below me) (but thats all another story and one for my story lol)

So what now ? appointment next a wk on monday for beginning of what i assume will be CBT, I have mild to medium clinical depression so i am gonna have to take an ssri no matter what i think of them (if ur ill one uses anti biotics) i have acute

andrew england 2
16-03-06, 13:00
footnote : how strange that someone in the medical profression acknowledging that derealisation does exist and knows of it and saying that it can be treated positively and by simply taking 5 mins to explain on a simple graph the mechanism of anxiety can open up a whole new way of thinking.

Also how sad it took an admission to hospital thru ER for alcohol withdrawl before anyone would help me.

16-03-06, 13:02
Hi Andrew

Im glad to hear you got on okay with your appointment earlier thats great news.

Good luck for tommorow re finding out about your knee. Have you changed your meds yet & if so how is it going?

Keep positive hun.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

16-03-06, 14:18
If only we could all be as committed as you are to working towards getting better, no matter what the obstacles; as open to self-analysis as you are; as comfortable with facing our demons and reverses as you are... we would all be on an upwards trend towards getting better. As you are.
You should be proud of where you've got to - I would be.

16-03-06, 17:36
Hi Andrew,

Well done on your acomplishments so far. good for you

I find your post very interesting, especially what you have to say about smoking. it totally makes sence. i too smoke. i want to quit but rely on them for stress too. I enjoy a different smoke at the end of the night to try and switch off, i dont drink alcohol (only on special occassions, i just dont like it much to be honest). i know this is not helping but its my release valve at night to enable me to switch off. i need to learn to cope without this, i know.

Since finding this site myself i have made possitive action to seek help and i am waiting now for an appointment to go have an assessment with the local mental health group. And like yourself its a step in the right direction.

Reading your post does give hope that there are people in the medical profession who can help.

Well done and keep strong

Amanda XX

whats for you wont go by you

16-03-06, 23:52
Good luck and let us know how it goes hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".