View Full Version : I can feel a panic attack coming...help!

13-11-10, 19:27
What do I do? Distraction or invite it to come?...I'm terrified. I'm trying to watch tv but keep getting the waves of panic creeping up on me. It's like it's testing the water to see if my guard is down so it can take over. Sounds so stupid but I have this battle most nights...me versus the panic! I know I'm doing it all wrong but I just can't let it happen, it scares me too much.

paula lynne
13-11-10, 19:34
Let it come, and breathe..it will reach a natural peak, then subside. It will not hurt you. Dont be scared. YOU are stronger than IT....you can do it x

13-11-10, 19:47
Hi Shaz,

Perhaps not ‘invite it to come’, but at the same time try not to care if it does. Like it’s great if it doesn’t happen but you’re not gonna let it spoil X Factor if it does :winks:

If you can catch it early, one very effective thing is to take control of your breathing, because it’s that over breathing that kick starts so many of the other unpleasant panic symptoms.

There have been lots of posts on here about it. Some people find breathing into a paper bag helpful. That one works because they re-breathe the same air, therefore not taking in too much oxygen, which is the problem. Others prefer counting – counting for longer as they breath out than when they breath in. The actual focussing on counting can in itself help as well.

And one I read about just the other day – gasping and sighing.

Gasping is effectively gulping in air, whereas sighing is breathing out. Yawning is another way of breathing out too. So no gasping but plenty of sighing and yawning :)

Take care,

13-11-10, 19:51
if you can relax, watch tv or something whatever works for you. It is really scary when it comes. I always try and tell myself that ive had hundreds of attacks before and im still here and nothing bad has happened to me so i will be ok. take care x :hugs:

13-11-10, 19:52
Thank you Paula. I know you are talking sense but I'm really struggling.I'm terrible at breathing. I have been shallow breathing for 2 years and my stomach muscles are so tight it is hard to breathe from my stomach.

I have been waiting so long for CBT that I'm having to try and 'cure' myself. And everywhere I see that the way forward is to stop fighting against the panic but I just can't. I'm too terrified of them. I really feel like i've lost control and am going mad and I hate that feeling so much.

paula lynne
13-11-10, 20:00
I understand, Ive been there hun, 10 years of it. But my recovery began when I stopped fearing it, just let it happen. I know its scarey, I really do, but it wont hurt you ok. The moment you stop feeling terified, it begins to lose its power...just tell yourself you arent terrified, you just dont like it.
You can start re-training your muscles tonight...I know its hard when you feel like youre gasping for air/feel faint, but you WILL get enough air, you WILL breathe,...do it from your tum, even if its 1 breathe out of 10. How are you now? x is the worst over?

13-11-10, 20:03
Thanks Nigel...I used to love X Factor but everything seems to trigger me off that I no longer look forward to watching it. For example I'm scared of lifts and if I see someone in a lift on tv then i have a rush of panic! But I'm scared of so many things that it happens all the time. Does that sound strange?

I'm gonna really try and relax my body ( I'm all hunched up and tight and holding myself together) and really try hard with the breathing and not give up when the first rush comes.

Thanks Lyns, I know what you mean cos nothing terrible has happened to me before either and I've certainly had mine (and a few others!) fair share of panics but I'm always worried that this could be the one that tips me over the edge. Or I worry what I might do when in the midst of an attack as I don't feel in control of myself.

Thanks to you all for our support and for letting me express my fears. Does anyone know if there is a helpline I could call if I'm in the middle of an attack?

13-11-10, 20:05
Gasping is effectively gulping in air, whereas sighing is breathing out. Yawning is another way of breathing out too. So no gasping but plenty of sighing and yawning :)

Take care,
Singing is another good way to help you breath out fully... X factors on now so we can all sing along and relax:yesyes:

13-11-10, 20:08
Oh Lynne...I wish it was over! This is just the start of what I go through every night and it lasts until I finally fall asleep. It ends with me either managing to ride the small rushes of panic throughout the evening or I get a full blown panic attack which is what I'm fighting against all night. All this hype for the boxing tonight and I have my own one going on every night!!!!

13-11-10, 20:31
Hi Shaz,

“Thanks Lyns, I know what you mean cos nothing terrible has happened to me before either and I've certainly had mine (and a few others!) fair share of panics but I'm always worried that this could be the one that tips me over the edge. Or I worry what I might do when in the midst of an attack as I don't feel in control of myself.”

The whole reason for panic is ‘survival’. It’s a way of getting the body into the optimum state for fighting off or fleeing from danger. It’s just that in a panic attack the mind has got it a bit wrong and has sensed danger when it doesn’t actually exist.

So no matter how ‘out of control’ you may feel, if you remember what panic is really about – about survival – it would be a pretty dumb survival tactic if it made a person lose it and become incapable.

So no matter how weird or unpleasant it may feel, nothing bad will happen.

Take care :)

paula lynne
13-11-10, 20:35
Nigel is right. You will survive. You will get through it. Tomorrow, it may be worth you looking into aromatherapy, self-help books, cds, tapes etc, bach rescue remedy...
No wonder your shattered by it all, every night it comes, but every time, you get through it ok. Maybe its time to start looking at a different approach. Start tomorrow? Get through tonight for now, and you will get through. x
PS, call me Paula hun xx

13-11-10, 20:56
Lol... I meant to say Paula! Was thinking of the other reply from Lyns I think, sorry I'm a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes!

I definately need to have a plan in place I think rather than dreading the evenings coming and trying to bumble my way through it.

paula lynne
13-11-10, 21:02
A plan sounds like a good idea x
Get through tonight...and start tomorrow x
Youre feeling better now, yes? x

13-11-10, 21:13
Yes thank you. But it will probably try again before the night is out. Lol...I keep talking about this panic as though it's a naughty little monster sitting on my shoulder whispering bad things in my ear. I forget it is my own thoughts doing it!!!! I really think i would benefit from CBT but have been waiting for 7 months now. And really got to find the courage to up my meds to see if that helps also.

paula lynne
13-11-10, 21:15
Whatever works for you, is right. Its different for us all xx

14-11-10, 07:05
Hi Shaz14,

Have a look at www.nopanic.org.uk (http://www.nopanic.org.uk) for helplines and maybe some talking therapy.

Do you know why your anxiety builds up in the evenings/night time? Identifying why its happening, might help you in the process of accepting that it is happening and not to be so overwhelmed by the fear of it all.

And dont give yourself a hard time about not doing things the right way or your rate of progress. You are showing a lot of courage trying to sort your anxiety, well done. Keep trying and stay positive, you'll find a way. tcx