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13-11-10, 19:54
hi i know racing heart is one of the main symptoms of anxiety,i stress alot ,i do worry over my health but the last few nights my heart has raced and thumped in my chest and im worried sick ,i have been taking my propanolol but i cant shake off the bad heart or heart attack idea,is there any tests i can ask for,im sure my doctor will try to talk me out of it,but if i ask do they have to do it? its ruining me at the moment,thanks for listening(well reading )xx

13-11-10, 20:01
I don't think doctors have to refer you for tests but I don't see a problem in asking do you mean heart tests? There's plenty of test you could have ecg (doc can sometimes do this at surgery) stress test heart echo you would have to go to a cardiologist for this and also a 24 hour holter monitor tape that would be good for your thumping in chest because they should show on there and the cardiologist can see if there harmless or caused by a heart problem (which I'm sure there not) good luck hun x

margaret jones
13-11-10, 20:05
Hi Sam sorry you are not feeling to well at the moment like Sammi says maybe ask your GP what tests if any he can do to make you feel more settled about the racing heart and thumping feeling .
Hope you feel better soon xxxx

13-11-10, 20:44
Just a simple ECG will give you the reasurrance you need, if there is anything wrong with your heart it will show up on there...

I sometimes wish i could take my own advice because today is a good day for me i feel fine but last friday believe it or not i was in hospital with anxitey, i went to the doc's with terrible palpitations.

I had 2 ecg's and a chest xray, they kept me in but the doc who came to see me said he thought it was just anxiety cos the ecg looked fine but did ask a few questions and i told him i had an under lying heart condition and he said oh thats good then that confirms the slight abnormality i found and is totally fine and nothing to do with the palps i was having, in other words he wasn't concerned about the palps but it did pick up my heart condition so if you were extremely concerned an ecg would be the best option, they can even pick up a heart attack from 4 yrs ago so they'd deffo pick anything up that was wrong... try not to worry it will just be anxiety x x x