View Full Version : brain fog?!?

13-11-10, 22:42
what does brain fog feel like? im not sure if ive got this?

13-11-10, 23:12
What do you mean by brain fog hun? Like fuzzy brain/mixed thoughts/confusion? xx

13-11-10, 23:49
No like, ur head is filled with something, and it affects ur vision and general outlook on everything, and makes u fel off balance or wobbly n like ur in slow motion? i dunno, ive just read brain fog alot recently and i think i get this but not sure...

14-11-10, 05:26
yeh iv never been sure about it lol but i think i have it to cuz i feel dazed all the time like my mind is compleatly black even though i know everything i know if that makes sence and yeh just feel 'away' from everythink and just in my own zone all the time i think alot of people with anxiety have this symptom hope this helps

14-11-10, 09:19
i think i have this im not sure if its the same its really hard to explain , its not like depersonolisation its weird, it feels like my brain is kind of swimming not painful but uncomfortable like inflamed or something and i cant think straight not dizzy but off balance almost like i cant see straight but i can see perfectly? is this the same???? its been freaking me out a bit xxx

14-11-10, 21:12
yes exactly lajjj x its horrible :(

15-11-10, 09:56
The best way I find to explain what I call Brain fog is feeling like im really stoned or kind of sedated. I cant think straight and even the simplist tasks require alot of thought when they should be easy. For me its one of the scariest symptoms of anxiety cause it worries me that I have some brain disease of some kind.