View Full Version : from happy to sad plus a question ??

14-11-10, 00:17
im so fed up tonight ....
I hadnt had a panic attack for a whole week and really started to think i was slowly gettting over them (i have been getting them 2-4 times a day) but then, it appears AGAIN
My mind started spiralling out of control and thinking "there must be something really wrong with me, i havent had one for a week and now suddenly i cant breathe etc etc etc" but 4 hours later i am still here, now suffering with the after effects.
Does anybody else suffer from Acid/Indigestion ?? although i have been panic free all week i am getting really bad acid/indigestion, i dont know if this is a result of the anxiety building up in my body or what but its driving me crazy, i really want to burp but nothing comes out half the time and then when i do it stings my throat ... i have been on Gaviscon but it still isnt going ... any feedback would be really appreciated ......

14-11-10, 00:21
Hi. I have acid reflux I got it at the same time I started with anxiety see your gp my gp put me on lazoprazole for it x

14-11-10, 00:35
well, i found some Lansoprazole that i was given by my GP last year, the exp date is 2012 so tonight i took one, but then i had a full blown panic attack, i know the drug probably hasnt caused this but i think in my mind i scared myself thinking i shouldnt be taking it without consulting the GP first. I have tried to ring up NHS direct and explained i had taken a tablet and would it be ok but they said there call back time was up to 10 hours tonight, i waited for almost 4 hours for someone to call me back and they havent !! its not 12:30am and im tired .....

Do you think i have been stupid and made myself have a panic attack ???? i have read the info and it seems that it should be ok to take and there is no visible side effects that shoudl harm me ??

14-11-10, 11:12
Sorry I haven't replyed sooner. I think you worried about takin the tablet and that caused you to panic. If the exp date is 2012 its absalutely ok to take. I did this the other week with diazepam I found some I'd had since last year. There was no date on them so phoned the chemist she said it should be ok. But I panicked after taking it. Hope you ok xx

14-11-10, 11:17
thanks hun, my panic attack laster about 4 hours and then after modnight i just fell asleep i think from pure exhaustion !!! its so stupid how this plays with your mind !!

14-11-10, 11:25
It is hun and after a panic attack you will feel exhausted its awful isn't it. How's the reflux? Xx

14-11-10, 11:28
hey! sorry to hear u are having a bad time at the mo, i get acid all the time too but gaviscon usually does the trick for me.
i have had a good wk too untill this morning when i am in a state of panic from having a bad dream and waking at 3am! it makes u feel like u r taking a step back doesnt it? well i am gonna try and be as positive as i can be and go out this aft! hope u stay positive too! we have alot of support on here which is a brill help to me :D
take care xxx