View Full Version : Panic\Anxiety Attack??!!??

14-11-10, 09:32
Hi There,

Im pretty sure what ive been experiencing over the last 6 yrs is Panic attacks but I still would like to know for sure.

Ive been taken to hospital 3 times in an ambulance and they find knothing physically wrong at the time.

I find no matching situation to the attacks so there seems to be no "trigger".
This is what happens...
At first i feel like im gonna be sick,then my legs go from under me (i sit down quickly!)they are like jelly!!then i feel real dizzy and my sight goes all blurred and sounds are distant and muffled i feel like im not in my body anymore..my heart races and then i wake up and im fine.

Everyone who have witnessed this (my fiance alot) hve said i am fine then i say i need to sit down and i dont feel well..then i start swaying and the most disturbing is my eyes roll to the back of my head and i dont respond to anything..then i sleep...my fiance knows thr signs now and put me to bed straight away and stays with me until i sleep.
Sometimes i have a couple a week and sometimes it can be 1 in a month..what the ell is going on with me??
BTW i do suffer with anxiety and depression.

Thank you for listening to my blabbering.

14-11-10, 10:36
You really need to read the section in here about Symptoms. Everyone is different and this section is really good at explaining. Did the hospital tell you anything when you were taken there? My thoughts are with you hun, its horrible, horrible, I know.:welcome:

14-11-10, 10:55
WOW!! I think I almost cover all of those!!Well the last time (third time) i went in the ambulance in the UK my fiance was with me..i had stopped off in a pub to use the loo so i bought a shandy so i could use it...when i came back it started..when I went in the ambulance i was by then completely unawear of what was happening i was out of it!!but my fiance said that the emergency lady pinched me on the inside of my elbow and then said im just a pissed little tart and pinced and twisted so it left a bruse..my fiance was so upset by this behaviour and i dident feel a thing..lyed in a hospital bed for 2 hours and had a few test done but they said it was normal just a faster pulse and then i had to walk 2 hours home cause we had no money for bus..so that was the last time i bothered talking about it cause it made me feel so stupid and upset that they thought i was some drama queen!!!:unsure:
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me xx

14-11-10, 15:38
Hi there, welcome to NMP.

I would say that assuming that epilepsy has been ruled out, I would say this could well be anxiety related. I am slightly concerned where you describe "waking up "from the episode and feeling tired etc as this can happen with a seizure.

There is a condition called pseudoseizures which can be strongly related to anxiety. Have you ever seen your medical notes following discharge from A&E to see what they diagnosed?

14-11-10, 17:58
no they just said that they found nothing wrong and discharged me :blush:
wenever i meantion them to gp's they kinda just go onto the next subject..but they are horrible and was just wondering is anyone knew anything..pseudoseizures..i'll look that one up...oh and i have no epilepsy and have none in my family.
I'm just real curious to know what is happenin in my body when the attacks happen or is it my brain?i just dont know...Thank you Alice :)