View Full Version : another question

14-11-10, 09:53
hi everybody

ive posted so much on here this week just having such a bad week, i hope im not getting on everybody nerves im getting on my own nerves!!!!!! anyway i had a panic attack on wed which i posted about on here and now getting all the eptopics, flutters, skipped beats. my last big panic attack was two years ago. I had about 4 ecgs where they did pick up a slight irregularity, went for treadmill stress test, had echo scan and calcium score which was 0 my echo scan was fine no dodge valves heart size was fine ect. Now im thinking maybe they missed something. or something has arisen since then. My irregularity was just they way my heart was they were not concerned everything fine. I rang my dr. when had the panic attack he said to take my diazapan. said did i need to go to hospital he said no. My ocd has kicked in now and i am constantly checking bp i no i shouldnt keep doing it but it makes me feel safe. God i sound like a complete mad women but i feel total out of control!!!!!!! sorry to go on.
