View Full Version : bad start to day :(

14-11-10, 11:21
hi all, just wanted to write this down to get it off my chest, as i have had a bad start to my day with having hardly any sleep! woke at 3am from a horrible vivid nightmare :scared15: it was so real i am still shaking!
anyway the shakes have turned into sheer panic and stress, it seems to have triggered off all my panic problems :blush:
i have to go out after dinner with my hubby and feel sick at the thought of going! i am so upset as i have had a really positive week and thought id turned a corner, why does this keep coming back? i am just about ready to give up :weep:
sorry for the rant x x x

14-11-10, 21:11

Sorry to hear you had a bad day hun :( thing to remember is everybody in the world has bad days and your allowed a blip. its how you move on from the blip that matters and by going out youl be doing fab! u should be proud!!

speak soon hun

14-11-10, 22:46
Hey munkey :) thank u for your kind words xx I did manage to get out, and it wasn't
As bad as I thought I would be! So my day ended up much better than the begining :)
Hope u r ok x will speak soon xxx take care