View Full Version : Hello other scared people!

14-11-10, 12:48
Hello all.

I'm a 26 year old living in the North East of England, currently studying my final year at University.

I've had problems all my life, causing me to be diagnosed with a range of stuff including social anxiety, social phobia and OCD, until we eventually settled on Avoidant Personality Disorder, which has stuck with me forever. I've suffered from depression on and off, but I managed to get to Uni, so I suppose it could be worse.

Well, I say that, I've had a bunch of problems recently. My AvPD flared up like crazy last year due to some conflicts at Uni with people and now I've entered the year I'm supposed to be working on my dissertation, I'm finding it even more difficult than usual to concentrate and focus on the work, which effects my self esteem more, creating the same old viscous cycle of DOOM.

I was on anti-depressants before, but I found they didn't work very well, as my depressive moods are completely psychological. Counsellors help, but the Uni counsellors are always pretty busy. I tried CBT years ago, but my AvPD made it difficult, so I stopped going :D I'm trying to get on the waiting list again, now I've grown up a bit, apparently.

I guess I joined here because it's nice to be open and honest, to admit that yes, I do have these problems and could do with some support, and to not feel constantly stressed because I'm hiding the shame of who I really am from everyone.

Also, I'm really worried I'm going to fail Uni because I'm failing to even get started on the work, and that's making me panic too :yesyes:

14-11-10, 12:50
Hi BurningSkies

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-11-10, 20:03
Hi Burningskies welcome, this place is brilliant. I hope you soon start to feel at home:)

14-11-10, 22:16
:welcome: to NMP :hugs: